BCOVGoogleCastManagerDelegate Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in BCOVGoogleCastManager.h


Conform to this protocol to receive information about the state the Google Cast session

  playbackController required method

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) id<BCOVPlaybackController> _Nullable playbackController

– switchedToLocalPlayback:withError:

This method is called when a cast session ends

- (void)switchedToLocalPlayback:(NSTimeInterval)lastKnownStreamPosition withError:(nullable NSError *)error



An NSTimeInterval value of the last known stream position


If we received an error from the Google Cast SDK, it will be passed through here


You can use this to show/hide UI elements, or trigger other events, once a cast session ends

Declared In


– switchedToRemotePlayback

This method is called when a cast session starts

- (void)switchedToRemotePlayback


You can use this to show/hide UI elements, or trigger other events, once a cast session begins.

Declared In


– currentCastedVideoDidComplete

This method is called when a casted video has finished playing.

- (void)currentCastedVideoDidComplete


You can use this to show/hide UI elements, or trigger other events, once a casted video has completed playback

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– castedVideoFailedToPlay

This method is called when a casted video fails to play.

- (void)castedVideoFailedToPlay


You can use this to show/hide UI elements, or trigger other events, once a casted video fails to play

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– suitableSourceNotFound

This method is called when a suitable source is not found.

- (void)suitableSourceNotFound


The BCOVGoogleCastManager will look for HTTPS version of HLS v3, then check for DASH, and finally an MP4 source. If no HTTPS versions are found it will then check for HTTP versions of the same source types. If no HTTP versions are found this method will be called.

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– willBuildMediaInformationBuilder:

This method is called prior to calling build on the current instance of GCKMediaInformationBuilder set up for the current video about to be cast. This will allow you to add any additional values to the builder as needed. You can use this method to pass custom data to the builder in your receiver app.

- (void)willBuildMediaInformationBuilder:(GCKMediaInformationBuilder *_Nonnull)builder


This method is called prior to calling build on the current instance of GCKMediaInformationBuilder set up for the current video about to be cast. This will allow you to add any additional values to the builder as needed. You can use this method to pass custom data to the builder in your receiver app.

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– willSendMediaLoadOptions:

This method is called prior invoking loadMedia:withOptions on the current cast session’s remoteMediaClient.

- (void)willSendMediaLoadOptions:(GCKMediaLoadOptions *_Nonnull)mediaLoadOptions


You can use this delegate method to further configure GCKMediaLoadOptions as needed prior to it being sent fo the remoteMediaClient.

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– useSourceFromSources:

This method is called when a source needs to be parsed prior to casting.

- (BCOVSource *_Nonnull)useSourceFromSources:(NSArray<BCOVSource*> *_Nonnull)sources


You can use this method to specify the source you want to be used with the Cast Receiver. If you do not implement this method, BCOVGoogleCastManager will perform source selecton on its own (see suitiableSourceNotFound for more information).

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– shouldCastVideo:

This method is called after BCOVGoogleCastManager has received a new playback session.

- (BOOL)shouldCastVideo:(BCOVVideo *_Nonnull)video


When BCOVGoogleCastManager receives a new BCOVVideo from a playback session it will attempt to compare it to the previous BCOVVideo, if there is one, to prevent the cast session from restarting with the same video. You can use this method to override the internal check so that you have control over if the current video should be cast or not.

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