BCOVOfflineVideoManagerDelegate Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in BCOVOfflineVideoManagerDelegate.h


Conform to this protocol to receive information about each video and video track download.

– didCreateSharedBackgroundSesssionConfiguration:

This method is called after the background NSURLSessionConfiguration object is created, and before it’s used to create the shared AVAssetDownloadURLSession object that’s used to download videos.

- (void)didCreateSharedBackgroundSesssionConfiguration:(NSURLSessionConfiguration *)backgroundSessionConfiguration


You can use this configuration object to set various options specified for the NSURLSessionConfiguration in NSURLSession.h, such as the discretionary flag, or the HTTPMaximumConnectionsPerHost setting.

You should not set the allowsCellularAccess property; that is set in the individual download tasks.

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– offlineVideoToken:aggregateDownloadTask:didProgressTo:forMediaSelection:

Receive progress notification about track downloads in progress for a downloaded video.

- (void)offlineVideoToken:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken aggregateDownloadTask:(AVAggregateAssetDownloadTask *)aggregateDownloadTask didProgressTo:(NSTimeInterval)progressPercent forMediaSelection:(AVMediaSelection *)mediaSelection



Offline video token used to identify the downloaded video.


The AVAggregateAssetDownloadTask for this set of video track downloads


How far along the download has progressed, expressed as a percentage, for this individual AVMediaSelection.


The AVMediaSelection for which this progress is reported.


If you want to pause/resume/cancel the task, you should use the methods available in the BCOVOfflineVideoManager to perform those actions.

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– offlineVideoToken:didFinishMediaSelectionDownload:

This method is called when an individual track download is complete.

- (void)offlineVideoToken:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken didFinishMediaSelectionDownload:(AVMediaSelection *)mediaSelection



Offline video token used to identify the offline video for which tracks are being downloaded.


The AVMediaSelection that has finished downloading.

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– offlineVideoToken:didFinishDownloadWithError:

This method is called when a download is complete.

- (void)offlineVideoToken:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken didFinishDownloadWithError:(NSError *)error



Offline video token used to identify the downloaded video.


NSError encountered during the download process. nil if no error.


If an error occurred during the download, error will be non-nil.

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– didDownloadStaticImagesWithOfflineVideoToken:

This method is called when the static images (thumbnail and poster) associated with a video are downloaded to storage.

- (void)didDownloadStaticImagesWithOfflineVideoToken:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken



Offline video token used to identify the downloaded video.


File URLs for the downloaded images are stored as properties on a BCOVVideo created from the offline video token using -[videoObjectFromOfflineVideoToken:] The properties are retrieved using the kBCOVOfflineVideoThumbnailFilePath and kBCOVOfflineVideoPosterFilePath keys.

This method will be called even if no images could be retrieved, so be sure to check the UIImage you create from the poster and thumbnail paths. The file paths will be present, but there may be no images stored at those locations.

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– shouldDeleteVideoPackage:

This method is called when cleaning up stranded downloads.

- (BOOL)shouldDeleteVideoPackage:(NSString *)videoPackagePath



Path to video package directory that is flagged as stranded.


Downloads can be stranded if you force-quit an app during a download, or reboot while the app is suspended. You do not need to implement this method unless you are starting your own video downloads outside the Brightcove SDK and don’t want your videos deleted. This method is called when a video package is flagged for deletion, meaning there is no record of it in the Brightcove SDK.

If the file is one you recognize, you should return NO. Otherwise, returning YES will cause the video package to be deleted. If you do not implement this method, stranded downloads will be deleted by default.

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– offlineVideoStorageDidChange

This method is called when the app is activated and offline video storage changed while the app was not running or was in the background, for example when the user deletes downloaded videos via the device Storage settings in the General settings of the Settings app.

- (void)offlineVideoStorageDidChange


When called, you should update your UI to reflect the changes in offline storage.

Detecting changes to offline video storage occurs whenever the app becomes active.

This method is called on the main thread.

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