
The PCM Product types are Pay Per View(PPV) and Subscriptions. In the PPV the Price Plan(PP) is not present due it is not a recurring product.


Get the products, also the products can be filtered by query parameters.


Create a product type Subscription or Pay Per View(PPV), for the PPV the Price Plan(PP) is not necesary, in order to create a product type Subscription the PP must be created first.

Operations for a specific product, the product ID is required for these endpoints.


Returns a specific product, also to return all the properties such as Price Plan(PP), Entitlements should be include as query params. The products type Pay Per View(PPV) do not have Price Plan(PP).


Update a specific product, the values that can be update are Price Plan(PP) for Subscriptions, Currency for Subscriptions and Pay Per View(PPV) in case of the subscriptions currency should match with currency of the PP, Amount for PPV, Description, Metadata and Entitlements for both.


Delete a specific product, in case the product has a Offer Manager, the product shouldn't have active offers in order to delete it.


The PCM Price Plan(PP) contains the data such as currency and cycles for the periodic renovation of a Subscription. In the Pay Per View(PPV) the Price Plan(PP) is not present due it is not a recurring product. In order to add a PP into a Product the currency should be the same.


Get the Price Plans, the Price Plan can be filtered by query parameters.


Create a Price Plan(PP), Price Plan are use by Subcriptions to manage its recurring period.

Operations for a specific Price Plan, the Price Plan ID is required for these endpoints.


Get a specific Price Plan, can include or not the cycles of the PP.


Update a specific Price Plan, the values that can be updated are Cycles, Currency and Description. In case the Price Plan belong to a Product with an active offer Manager, the update will fail, the Price Plan shouldn't be attached to a Product with active offers.


Delete a specific Price Plan, in case the Price Plan belong to a Product with an active offer Manager, the delete will fail, the Price Plan shouldn't be attached to a Product with active offers.