Single Metric in Time Period

Report of a single metric of a provider within a fixed period of time.


This route returns a report of all the events for the specified metric associated with a single provider (identified by pcode ). The report contains all events within a fixed period of time (specified by period and type ), and split into rollups computed by the time period specified by breakdownBy . Each rollup is a 3-length JSON array that contains:

  1. The provider's code
  2. The date of the rollup
  3. The total aggregated value
    The period and type params should match according to the following table (otherwise an error is returned):
    type period
    day yyyy-MM-dd
    week yyyy-WW (where WW represents the number of the week, from 0 to 53)
    month yyyy-MM
    quarter yyyy-QX (where X represents the number of the quarter, from 1 to 4)
    year yyyy

Multiple Metrics in Time Period

Report of multiple metrics of a provider within a fixed period of time.


This route returns, for each metric in the comma-separated list metricName , a report of all metric's events associated with a single provider (identified by pcode ). The report contains all events within a fixed period of time (specified by period and type ), and split into rollups computed by the time period specified by breakdownBy . Each rollup is a 3-length JSON array that contains:

  1. The provider's code
  2. The date of the rollup
  3. The total aggregated value
    The period and type params should match according to the following table (otherwise an error is returned):
    type period
    day yyyy-MM-dd
    week yyyy-WW (where WW represents the number of the week, from 0 to 53)
    month yyyy-MM
    quarter yyyy-QX (where X represents the number of the quarter, from 1 to 4)
    year yyyy

Single Metric in Date Range

Report of a single metric of a provider within a date range.


This route returns a report of all the events for the specified metric and associated with a single provider (specified by pcode ). The report contains all events ingested within the specified date range between startDate (inclusive) and endDate (exclusive), split into rollups computed by the time period specified by breakdownBy . Each rollup contains a total field, which represents the aggregated value of all events inside the rollup. For all metrics besides vod_transcoded_time , you may include the query parameter includeSubAccounts and set that equal to true , in order to track sub-accounts.

Multiple Metrics in Date Range

Report of multiple metrics of a provider within a date range.


This route returns, for each metric in the comma-separated list metricName , a report of all the metric's events associated with the single provider (specified by pcode ). All reports contain all events ingested within the specified date range between startDate (inclusive) and endDate (exclusive), split into rollups computed by the time period specified by breakdownBy . Each rollup contains a total field, which represents the aggregated value of all events inside the rollup.

Given Asset in Date Range

Delivery report for a given asset within a date range


This route returns, for the embed_code specified in the path, a report of the VOD bytes delivered within the given period. The delivery is split into rollups computed by the time period specified by breakdown_by . Each rollup contains a bytes_delivered field which is the aggregated value of all the delivery inside the rollup. If there's no delivery inside the rollup this field will be missing.

Current API Key in Date Range

Delivery report for the owner of the current api_key within a date range


This route returns, for the provider making the request, a report of the VOD bytes delivered within the given period. The delivery is split into rollups computed by the time period specified by breakdown_by . Each rollup contains a bytes_delivered field which is the aggregated value of all the delivery inside the rollup. If there's no delivery inside the rollup this field will be missing.