To add an extra level of protection when accessing your video library, or to apply user-level restrictions for your content, you can pass a JSON Web Token (JWT) with your call to the Brightcove Playback API. To create the token, follow these steps:
Generate public-private key pair
The publisher will generate a public-private key pair and provide the public key to Brightcove. The private key is used by the publisher to sign tokens, and is not shared with Brightcove.
There are many ways to generate the public-private key pair. Here are some examples:
Example bash script:
Example script to generate the key pair:
set -euo pipefail
test -z "${NAME:-}" && NAME="brightcove-playback-auth-key-$(date +%s)"
mkdir "$NAME"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -m PEM -f "$PRIVATE_PEM" -q -N ""
openssl rsa -in "$PRIVATE_PEM" -pubout -outform PEM -out "$PUBLIC_PEM" 2>/dev/null
openssl rsa -in "$PRIVATE_PEM" -pubout -outform DER | base64 > "$PUBLIC_TXT"
rm "$PRIVATE_PEM".pub
echo "Public key to saved in $PUBLIC_TXT"
Run the script:
$ bash
Example using Go
Example using node.js
Register public key
You will use the Key API to register your public key with Brightcove.
The Key API is used to manage your public keys with Brightcove.
Base URL
The base URL for the API is:
Account path
In all cases, requests will be made for a specific Video Cloud Account. So, you will always add the term accounts followed by your account id to the base URL:{accountID}
An access token for requests is required and must be present in the Authorization header::
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
The access token is a temporary OAuth2 access token that must be obtained from the Brightcove OAuth service. For details on how to obtain client credentials and use them to retrieve access tokens, see the Brightcove OAuth Overview.
Requests to the Key API must be made from client credentials with the following permissions:
Manage keys
The Key API supports the following requests:
Register a new key:
Put the value of your public key in the API request body. You can find the key in the public_key.txt file.
POST /v1/accounts/{accountID}/keys
Content-Type: application/json
Body: {"value": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj...MyeQviqploA=="}
Using Curl
"id": "{your_public_key_id}",
"type": "public",
"algorithm": "rsa",
"value": "{your_public_key_value}",
"createdAt": "2020-01-03T20:30:36.488Z"
List keys:
Get a list of public keys in your account.
GET /v1/accounts/{accountID}/keys
Get one key:
Get the details for a public key in your account.
GET /v1/accounts/{accountID}/keys/{key_Id}
Delete one key:
Delete a public key in your account.
DELETE /v1/accounts/{accountID}/keys/{key_Id}
Create a JSON Web Token
Publishers create a JSON Web Token (JWT). The token is signed with the RSA algorithm using the SHA-256 hash algorithm (identified in the JWT spec as "RS256") No other JWT algorithms will be supported.
A subset of the standard JSON Web Token claims will be used, along with some private claims defined by Brightcove. You will create a JSON Web Token signed with your private key.
Claims for Static URL Delivery
For a list of claims that can be used, see the Static URL Delivery document.
Claims for Playback Authorization
The following claims can be used with Brightcove's Playback Authorization Service.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
accid |
String | Yes | The account id that owns the content being played |
exp |
Integer | Yes | Time this token will no longer be valid, in seconds since the Epoch. Must be no more than 30 days from iat |
iat |
Integer | Yes | Time this token was issued, in seconds since the Epoch |
ua |
String | If present, this token will only be valid for requests from this User-Agent.
This field is not validated. |
conid |
String | If present, this token will only authorize license fetching for a specific Video Cloud video id.
Must be a valid video id. |
maxip |
Integer | If present, this token will only be able to be used by this many different IP addresses. (DRM & AES-128)
Required for session tracking. |
maxu |
Integer |
If present, this token will only be valid for this many license requests. (DRM & AES-128)
Claims for Playback Rights
The following claims can be used with Brightcove's Playback Rights Management Service.
Field | Type | Required | Required for concurrent stream limits | DRM only | Description |
accid |
String | Yes | The account id that owns the content being played | ||
exp |
Integer | Yes | Time this token will no longer be valid, in seconds since the Epoch. Must be no more than 30 days from iat |
iat |
Integer | Yes | Time this token was issued, in seconds since the Epoch | ||
pkid |
String | The public key id used to verify this token. It is registered with Brightcove's Playback Authorization Service and must use the RSA key format.
If pkid is specified, we validate the token with the specified key.
If no pkid is specified, we retrieve all the keys for the account and try to validate against all of them.
nbf |
Integer | Time this token will begin being valid, in seconds since the Epoch | |||
prid |
String | A playback_rights_id . Used to override the id set in the catalog for this video
This field is not validated. |
tags |
Array <Strings> | if present, this token is valid only for the listed tags authorized to playback. | |||
vids |
Array <Strings> | If present, this token will only authorize license fetching for a set of video ids. | |||
uid |
String | Yes | The user id of the end viewer. This field is used to correlate multiple sessions to enforce concurrent stream limits.
Device registration: Required |
sid |
String | Yes | Specifying the Session ID of the current stream allows you to control how a session is defined. By default, a session is defined as User-Agent (browser) + IP address + video id.
For example, you can loosen the definition of session to IP address + video id. Concurrent stream limits: Optional |
cexp |
String | Yes | Concurrency expiration of session - Defaults to 2 times the content duration or 15 minutes whichever is longer.
This defines how long the session is valid, after which time the end viewer has to start a new session to continue playback. Example: 2h or 42m
Concurrent stream limits: Optional |
cbeh |
String | Yes | Set the value to BLOCK_NEW to enable concurrent stream limits to block any new request when the maximum number of streams is reached.
The default blocks the oldest stream when the maximum number of streams is reached. Concurrent stream limits: Optional |
climit |
Integer | Yes | Yes | When this field is included, it enables concurrent stream limits along with license renewal requests. This value indicates the number of concurrent watchers allowed.
Concurrent stream limits: Required |
dlimit |
Integer | Yes | When this field is included, it controls how many devices can be associated with the specified user (uid ). Value must be > 0 .
Previously allowed devices will continue to operate if the dlimit value is dropped in later requests.
Example: if value is set to 3 , the user can play on devices A, B, & C (all would be allowed). Trying to play on device D would be denied.
If value is changed to 1 , the user can still play on all 3 devices A, B, & C, unless the devices are manually revoked by managing devices with the Devices API.
Device registration: Required |
Generate a token
Libraries are commonly available to generate JWT tokens. For details, see the JSON Web Tokens site.
Example bash script:
Example script to generate the JWT token:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# Static header fields.
"type": "JWT",
"alg": "RS256"
"pkid": "{your_public_key_id}",
"accid": "{your_account_id}"
# Use jq to set the dynamic `iat` and `exp`
# fields on the payload using the current time.
# `iat` is set to now, and `exp` is now + 1 second.
echo "${payload}" | jq --arg time_str "$(date +%s)" \
($time_str | tonumber) as $time_num
| .iat=$time_num
| .exp=($time_num + 60 * 60)
function b64enc() { openssl enc -base64 -A | tr '+/' '-_' | tr -d '='; }
function rs_sign() { openssl dgst -binary -sha256 -sign playback-auth-keys/private.pem ; }
JWT_HDR_B64="$(echo -n "$HEADER" | b64enc)"
JWT_PAY_B64="$(echo -n "$PAYLOAD" | b64enc)"
SIGNATURE=$(echo -n "$UNSIGNED_JWT" | rs_sign | b64enc)
Run the script:
$ bash
Example using Go
Here is an example of a decoded token using specifying the full set of claims:
"alg": "RS256",
"type": "JWT"
"accid": "1100863500123",
"conid": "51141412620123",
"exp": 1554200832,
"iat": 1554199032,
"maxip": 10,
"maxu": 10,
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36"
Test playback
Although not required, you may want to test video playback before configuring a player.
Request playback:
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {JWT}' \{your_account_id}/videos/{your_video_id}