BCOVTVPlayerViewOptions Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in BCOVTVPlayerView.h


Optional configuration for a player view.


This view controller will be used for features that require a presenting view controller, like the full-screen controller used to display video description text in the Info settings panel that it too big to fit in the default label.

@property (nonatomic, weak) UIViewController *presentingViewController


This view controller will be used for features that require a presenting view controller, like the full-screen controller used to display video description text in the Info settings panel that it too big to fit in the default label.

Declared In



The time in seconds to jump back or ahead when the jump backward/forward gesture is invoked. The jump gesture is invoked by clicking on the left or right edge of the Siri remote trackpad. Defaults to 10 seconds.

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval jumpInterval


The time in seconds to jump back or ahead when the jump backward/forward gesture is invoked. The jump gesture is invoked by clicking on the left or right edge of the Siri remote trackpad. Defaults to 10 seconds.

Declared In



The rate at which the AVPlayer will use when fast-forwarding or rewinding is activated by long-pressing on the left or right edge of the Siri remote trackpad. Defaults to 24.

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat fastForwardAndRewindRate


The rate at which the AVPlayer will use when fast-forwarding or rewinding is activated by long-pressing on the left or right edge of the Siri remote trackpad. Defaults to 24.

Declared In



The time in seconds since the last touch before fading the controls. Defaults to 3 seconds. See -resetHideControlsIntervalTimer for related usage.

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval hideControlsInterval


The time in seconds since the last touch before fading the controls. Defaults to 3 seconds. See -resetHideControlsIntervalTimer for related usage.

Declared In



The time in seconds for animating the hiding of controls. Defaults to 0.5 seconds.

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval hideControlsAnimationDuration


The time in seconds for animating the hiding of controls. Defaults to 0.5 seconds.

Declared In



The time in seconds for animating the showing of controls. Defaults to 0.2 seconds.

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval showControlsAnimationDuration


The time in seconds for animating the showing of controls. Defaults to 0.2 seconds.

Declared In



Whether to use a language variant, if available, for the video info tab.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL useLocalizedVariantForVideoInfo


Whether to use a language variant, if available, for the video info tab.

Defaults to YES

Declared In



Will automatically select an appropriate BCOVPUIBasicControlView for the current video.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL automaticControlTypeSelection


Will automatically select an appropriate BCOVPUIBasicControlView for the current video.

Declared In



@property (nonatomic, weak) id<BCOVTVAccessibilityDelegate> accessibilityDelegate