

package  adobeanalyticssdk
package  ads
package  analytics
package  captions
package  configuration
package  discovery
package  freewheelsdk
 The Freewheel SDK is only available as a separate download.
package  imasdk
 The IMA SDK is only available as a separate download.
package  item
package  nielsensdk
package  notifications
package  offline
package  performance
package  playback
package  player
package  plugin
package  pulseintegration
 The Ooyala Pulse Integration framework.
package  ui
package  util


class  AdIconInfo
 Created by zchen on 3/3/16. More...
class  AdOverlayInfo
 A class to transfer ad information required to render overlays. More...
class  AdPluginManager
 The plugin that manage ad plugins.
interface  AdPluginManagerInterface
class  AdPodInfo
 A class to transfer ad pod information required to render ads. More...
class  AdsLearnMoreButton
interface  AdsLearnMoreInterface
class  AdvertisingIdUtils
class  AuthHeartbeat
 Monitor, maintain authorization for an asset.
class  AuthTokenManager
 A helper class to manage setting and getting of the Auth token.
interface  CastManagerInterface
 Created by liusha.huang on 3/26/15. More...
class  CastModeOptions
class  ClientId
class  DefaultPlayerInfo
class  DeviceInfo
class  EmbeddedSecureURLGenerator
class  EmbeddedSignatureGenerator
interface  EmbedTokenGenerator
 Defines a class that will generate Ooyala Player Tokens for playback authentication. More...
interface  EmbedTokenGeneratorCallback
class  Environment
 A class which specifies and allows setting of the environment for Ooyala APIs in the OoyalaPlayer. More...
class  FCCTVRating
 Encapsulates the UI-relevant rating data of an asset. More...
class  GeoBlocking
class  ID3TagNotifier
 Connect objects which can read ID3 tags from asset streams, to objects that want to perform some action (e.g. More...
class  IQAnalyticsPlugin
class  IQAnalyticsWebviewWrapper
 Integration of Ooyala client-side player with Ooyala server-side analytics collection.
class  IqJsReporter
 Helper class to report to IQ's JavaScript.
class  IqOfflineManager
 Class for managing IQ events when offline.
class  LocalizationSupport
class  MoviePlayerSelector
 Select the proper movie and stream player for a video/stream. More...
interface  ObjectFromBacklotAPICallback
class  OoyalaAPIClient
class  OoyalaAPIHelper
class  OoyalaException
class  OoyalaManagedAdsPlugin
 Ooyala managed ads plugin manages ooyala and vast ads. More...
class  OoyalaNotification
 An object that is passed from the OoyalaPlayer to the all Observers that contains notification name and data. More...
class  OoyalaPlayer
 The OoyalaPlayer is the heart of the playback system. More...
class  OoyalaPlayerContextSwitcher
 A class that handles all the different playback capabilities, and will eventually handle all context switching for the ooyala Player (Between Ads, Cast, Content)
class  OoyalaPlayerLayout
class  OoyalaPlayerObserverHandler
 A helper class that handles all observation code in our player.
class  OoyalaPlayerPlaybackInteractions
 All of the OoyalaPlayer APIs that interact directly with the Playback of ads or content.
class  OoyalaPlayerSessionIDManager
 Manages the creation of Player and Content Session IDs NOTE: This could also be the class that notifies of changes in Session IDs.
class  OoyalaPlayerStateManager
 The State Manager's purpose is to handle all manipulation and storage of OoyalaPlayer-related state.
interface  PaginatedItemListener
class  PaginatedItemResponse
class  PlayerAPIClient
class  PlayerDomain
 Represents the domain under which Ooyala analytics will be recorded. More...
interface  PlayerInfo
 PlayerInfo is a collection of information that describes the capabilities of the playback device. More...
interface  SecureURLGenerator
class  SeekInfo
 Created by ukumar on 8/30/16. More...
class  ServerSubTask
 A base class for server substasks.
class  ServerTaskAuthAndMetadata
 A class that implements auth and metadata task. More...
interface  ServerTaskCallback
 A callback interface for some Asynchronous callback tasks Generally used only internally for network requests. More...
class  ServerTaskManager
 A Class that handles parallel server tasks.
class  ServerTaskPlaybackInfo
 A class that implement fetching playback info.
class  ServerTaskReauthorize
class  ServerTaskVideo
 A class that implements video fetching.
class  ServerTaskVideoByExternalIds
 A class that implements video fetching by external Ids.
interface  SignatureGenerator
class  StateNotifier
 Connect State changing objects with listeners thereof. More...
interface  StateNotifierListener
interface  StreamSelector
class  SubTaskAdInfo
 A class that impelemnts fetching ad info.
class  SubTaskAuthorization
 A class that implements fetching authorization data subtask.
class  SubTaskClosedCaptions
 A class that implements fetching closed captions.
class  SubTaskContentTree
 A class that implements Content Tree subtask. More...
class  SubTaskContentTreeByExternalIds
 A class that implements Content Tree by external IDs subtask. More...
class  SubTaskEmbedCodeMetadata
 A class that implements fetching embed code metadata subtask.
class  SubTaskMetaData
 A class that implements fetching metadata subtask.
class  Utils