▼Ncom | |
▼Nooyala | |
▼Nandroid | |
►Nadobeanalyticssdk | |
►Nheartbeat | |
COoyalaAdobeAnalyticsPluginDelegate | Created on 5/24/16 |
COoyalaAdobeHeartbeatDelegate | Created on 5/24/16 |
COoyalaAdobeHeartbeatPlayerPluginDelegate | Created on 5/24/16 |
COoyalaAdobeHeartbeatPluginDelegate | Created on 5/24/16 |
►COoyalaAdobeAnalyticsManager | Created on 5/24/16 |
COoyalaAdobeAnalyticsManagerDelegate | |
►COoyalaAdobeHeartbeatConfiguration | Created on 5/24/16 |
CBuild | |
CBuilder | |
CPublisher | |
CServer | |
►Nads | |
►Nooyala | |
COoyalaAdPlayer | |
COoyalaAdSpot | Stores the info and metadata for an Ooyala Managed Adspot |
►Nssai | |
CSsaiMetadata | Encapsulates the SSAI metadata of an asset |
►Nvast | |
►CCompanionAds | A class that represents VAST CompanionAds element |
CRequiredType | |
CConstants | Created by zchen on 2/29/16 |
CIcon | Created by zchen on 2/25/16 |
CNonLinear | A class that represents NonLinear element |
CNonLinearAds | A class that represents NonLinearAds element |
►CResource | A representation of VAST resource |
CType | |
►CTimeOffset | This class is used to hold a VAST 3.0 time offset value |
CType | |
CVASTAdPlayer | A MoviePlayer which helps render VAST advertisements |
CVASTAdSpot | A model of an VAST Ad spot, which can be played during video playback |
CVASTHelper | This is a static helper class to deserialize a VMAP XML document into VMAP ad spots |
CVastParser | Class for exposing VAST utils |
CVMAPAdSpot | A model of a VMAP Ad spot, which extends VAST Ad spot with additional VMAP attributes |
►Nanalytics | |
CAnalyticsPluginBaseImpl | A class that implements empty methods for the entire Analytics plugin interface |
CAnalyticsPluginInterface | An Interface that can be used to plug an Analytics reporter into the OoyalaPlayer |
CAnalyticsPluginManager | A class that manages multiple analytics plugins for reporting important analytics events |
CAnalyticsPluginManagerInterface | The Interface used by an Analytics Plugin Manager |
►CIqConfiguration | This class configures all the IQ Analytics related information that needs to be configured with default values or customer given values |
CBuilder | Builds the object of IQ Analytics configurations |
CTestAnalyticsPlugin | A very simple Analytics Plugin that can be used for testing |
►Ncaptions | |
CCaptionUtils | |
CClosedCaptionsStyle | |
CClosedCaptionsView | |
►CManifestClosedCaption | Class for in manifest closed captions |
CBuilder | Public factory class for creating ManifestClosedCaption objects |
►Nconfiguration | |
►CExoConfiguration | A read-only configuration of ExoPlayer functionality in the OoyalaPlayer |
CBuilder | Build the object of ExoPlayer configurations |
►CFCCTVRatingConfiguration | Use this when first setting up the OoyalaPlayer to control the layout and behavior of the TV Ratings stamp |
CBuilder | Supports a fluid syntax for configuration |
CPosition | |
►COptions | A read-only class of configurations for OoyalaPlayer |
CBuilder | Supports a fluid syntax for configuration |
CReadonlyOptionsInterface | |
►Ndiscovery | |
►CDiscoveryManager | Created by zchen on 12/9/15 |
CCallback | |
►CDiscoveryOptions | Created by zchen on 12/9/15 |
CBuilder | Supports a fluid syntax for configuration |
CType | |
►Nfreewheelsdk | The Freewheel SDK is only available as a separate download |
CFWAdPlayer | This class represents the Base Movie Player that plays Freewheel ad spots |
CFWAdSpot | The ad spot that holds a list of ISlots (ads) and the Freewheel context |
COoyalaFreewheelManager | The OoyalaFreewheelManager will play back all Freewheel ads affiliated with any playing Ooyala asset |
►Nimasdk | The IMA SDK is only available as a separate download |
CIMAAdErrorListener | |
CIMAAdEventListener | |
CIMAAdPlayer | This class represents the Base Movie Player that plays IMA Ad spots |
CIMAAdsLoadedListener | |
CIMAContainerUpdatedListener | |
►COoyalaIMAConfiguration | A Configuration for the Ooyala + IMA Integration For more information on the supported parameters, check out the Builder class |
CBuilder | A fluid syntax builder for OoyalaIMAConfiguration |
COoyalaIMAManager | The OoyalaIMAManager works with OoyalaPlayer to manage IMA ads playback |
CVideoProgressCalculator | This class helps OoyalaPlayerIMAWrapper to calculate VideoProgressUpdate for both content and ad playback so that IMA SDK can keep track of the content and ad playback |
CVideoProgressCalculatorRunningState | This class saves the states related to the IMA Ads playback |
►Nitem | |
CAdSpot | The base of OoyalaAdSpot, VastAdSpot and other type of ad spot |
CAdSpotManager | A helper class help us to manage ad spots |
►CAuthorizableItem | Stores the info and metatdata for the specified movie |
CAuthCode | Authorize response codes |
CCaption | |
CChannel | |
CChannelSet | |
CClosedCaptions | |
CContentItem | Stores the info and metadata for the specified content item |
CDynamicChannel | |
CModuleData | |
COfflineVideo | A class that holds an offline video |
COoyalaManagedAdSpot | |
CPaginatedParentItem | |
CPlayableItem | Stores the info and metatdata for the specified movie |
CStandaloneVideo | Created by zchen on 1/27/16 |
CStream | Stream represents a single playable video URL |
CUnbundledVideo | Represents video that is not tied to the Ooyala CMS e.g |
CVideo | Stores the info and metadata for the specified movie |
►CVTTClosedCaptions | |
CVTTCaption | |
►Nnielsensdk | |
CNielsenAnalytics | |
CNielsenJSONFilter | |
►Nnotifications | |
CBitrateChangedNotificationInfo | A class that is passed as the "data" in OoyalaNotifications which have OoyalaPlayer.BITRATE_CHANGED_NOTIFICATION_NAME as the name |
►Noffline | |
►Noptions | |
►CDownloadOptions | A class that holds offline options to download/store videos to local folders on the device |
CBuilder | A Builder class |
►COoyalaDownloadOptions | A class that holds offline options to download/store videos using OoyalaDownloader to local folders on the device |
CBuilder | A Builder class |
►CDashDownloader | A class that handles DASH offline playback |
CListener | |
CDownloader | A downloader of DASH and HLS media files |
CDownloaderFactory | A factory for Downloader instances |
CDownloadListener | Listens for changes in the media file downloads |
CDownloadManagerInitializationParams | |
►CDownloadTracker | |
CListener | Listens for changes in the tracked downloads |
►CDownloadUtils | |
CDownloaderType | The type of the downloader that was used for downloading media files |
►CLicenseDownloader | A class for downloading DRM license |
CListener | Listens for changes in the license downloads |
COoyalaDownloader | A downloader of DASH and HLS media files |
COoyalaDownloadService | A service for downloading media |
►CTaskInfo | Represents state of a task |
CState | |
CVideoCache | A class that holds Cache instance that maintains an in-memory representation |
►Nperformance | |
►Ncounting | |
CPerformanceCountingStatistics | |
CPerformanceEventWatchCounting | |
►Nmatcher | |
CPerformanceEventMatcherInterface | |
CPerformanceNotificationNameMatcher | |
CPerformanceNotificationNameStateMatcher | |
►Nstartend | |
CPerformanceEventWatchStartEnd | |
CPerformanceStartEndStatistics | |
CPerformanceEventWatchInterface | |
CPerformanceMonitor | Collect performance statistics, based on OoyalaNotifications |
CPerformanceMonitorBuilder | |
CPerformanceStatisticsInterface | |
CPerformanceStatisticsSnapshot | |
CPerformanceStatisticsSnapshotBuilder | |
►Nplayback | |
CMultiAudioInteractions | |
CPlaybackConstants | |
CPlaybackNotificationInfo | |
CPlaybackNotificationSender | |
CPlaybackRateInteractions | |
CPlaybackRateUtils | Helper class for handling the playback speed |
►CPlaybackSpeedConfiguration | A read-only configuration of Playback rate functionality in the OoyalaPlayer |
CBuilder | |
►Nplayer | |
►Nexoplayer | |
►Ndrm | |
CDrmConstants | DRM related constants |
►CDrmEventLogger | Listener of DefaultDrmSessionManager events |
COoyalaPlayerDrmErrorListener | |
►Nmultiaudio | |
CAudioLanguageUtils | Helper class for displaying user-friendly audio info |
CAudioTrack | A class that holds audio track info |
CDefaultAudioParams | A class that holds default audio params |
CMultiAudioPlayer | The interface that must be implemented in order to manage multi audio tracks |
CMultiAudioProvider | The interface provides the access to MultiAudioPlayer |
CTrackSelectionHelper | Helper class for displaying track selection dialogs |
►Nplayback | |
CPlaybackSpeedControl | The interface that must be implemented in order to manage a playback rate |
►Nupstream | |
►COoyalaDrmHttpDataSource | OoyalaDrmHttpDataSource is a component from which streams of data can be read |
COoyalaInvalidResponseCodeException | Thrown when an attempt to open a connection results in a response code not in the 2xx range |
COoyalaDrmHttpDataSourceFactory | Ooyala DRM related implementation of HttpDataSource.Factory that sets default request properties |
CBaseExoPlayer | BaseExoPlayer is based on ExoPlayer 2 |
CDataSourceFactory | The interface that must be implemented in order to create data source factory |
CEventLogger | |
CExoDataSourceFactory | A ExoDataSourceFactory that produces DefaultDataSourceFactory instances |
CExoPlayerFactory | |
CExoStreamPlayer | ExoStreamPlayer is a realization of BaseExoPlayer for flat video content |
CExoUtils | |
CFilteredDashManifestParser | |
CPlayerBitmapListener | The interface that must be implemented in order to receive bitmap screenshot from Ooyala ExoPlayer |
►CSeekCompleteObserver | |
CSeekCompleteCallback | |
CAdMoviePlayer | |
CBaseStreamPlayer | A wrapper around android.media.MediaPlayer http://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaPlayer.html |
CControlSharingSurfaceView | |
CDefaultPlayerFactory | Created by zchen on 3/22/16 |
CExoMoviePlayer | Created by zchen on 1/29/16 |
CFCCTVRatingUI | |
CMoviePlayer | |
CMovieView | |
CPlayer | The interface that must be implemented in order to plug into OoyalaPlayer and Ooyala UI |
CPlayerFactory | The interface that must be implemented by a movie player factory |
CPlayerInterface | The interface that must be implemented in order to receive control events from Ooyala UI |
CPlayerInterfaceUtil | Utilities to collect common code around how notifications are generated |
CPlayerType | Player enum defines a type of a player |
CStreamPlayer | |
CVrMode | Image source render mode |
CVRPlayerInterface | The interface that must be implemented for the VR player which supports VR 360 content |
►Nplugin | |
CAdPluginInterface | The interface that must be implemented in order to plug into OoyalaPlayer to play ads |
CLifeCycleInterface | |
CManagedAdsPlugin | |
CSsaiPluginInterface | Interface for communicating with SSAI module |
►Npulseintegration | The Ooyala Pulse Integration framework |
►COoyalaPulseManager | The Pulse Manager plugin allows you to display ads from Ooyala Pulse in the Ooyala Player |
CListener | The OoyalaPulseManager.Listener provides a way for the OoyalaPulseManager to communicate with the host application |
CPulsePlayerOptions | |
►Nui | |
►CAbstractDefaultOoyalaPlayerControls | |
CClosedCaptionsButton | Closed Captons Button |
CFullscreenButton | |
CHideTimerTask | |
CNextButton | |
CPlayPauseButton | |
CPreviousButton | |
CTouchButton | |
►CAbstractOoyalaPlayerLayoutController | |
CDefaultControlStyle | |
CCuePointsSeekBar | |
CDefaultOoyalaPlayerFullscreenControls | |
CDefaultOoyalaPlayerInlineControls | |
►CFCCTVRatingView | |
CRestoreState | |
CLayoutController | |
COoyalaPlayerControls | |
COoyalaPlayerLayoutController | This LayoutController is a generic LayoutController that will work in most cases (regardless of the containing Layout type) |
COptimizedOoyalaPlayerLayoutController | This LayoutController is a faster LayoutController that will work only on one specific case: The OoyalaPlayerLayout it controls is a direct child of the Activity's base layout which is a FrameLayout |
►Nutil | |
CConstants | OoyalaPlayer constants |
►CDebugMode | A tool that provides two new features: (1) Hiding all Ooyala debug logs, and (2) enforcing a "strict mode" to force runtime exceptions on assertions throughout the Ooyala SDK |
CMode | The logging mode that you'd like for the Ooyala SDK |
CDownloadTask | A class that handles single file download |
CIMatchObjectPredicate | |
COrderedMap | |
COrderedMapValue | |
CSDCardLogcatOoyalaEventsLogger | Created by pbq on 1/24/16 |
CTemporaryInternalStorageFile | This is a simple helper around a Java File, with the file parent directory always being the internal cache dir of the given Context |
CTemporaryInternalStorageFileManager | Help create and cleanup automatically uniquely named files in the given Context's internal cache directory |
CTvHelper | |
CWeakReferencePassThroughEquals | A standard WeakReference, but with equality implemented by calling the underlying objects |
CAdIconInfo | Created by zchen on 3/3/16 |
CAdOverlayInfo | A class to transfer ad information required to render overlays |
►CAdPluginManagerInterface | |
CAdMode | |
CAdPodInfo | A class to transfer ad pod information required to render ads |
CAdsLearnMoreButton | |
CAdsLearnMoreInterface | |
►CAdvertisingIdUtils | |
CIAdvertisingIdListener | |
CCastManagerInterface | Created by liusha.huang on 3/26/15 |
CCastModeOptions | |
CClientId | |
CDefaultPlayerInfo | |
CDeviceInfo | |
CEmbeddedSecureURLGenerator | |
CEmbeddedSignatureGenerator | |
CEmbedTokenGenerator | Defines a class that will generate Ooyala Player Tokens for playback authentication |
CEmbedTokenGeneratorCallback | |
►CEnvironment | A class which specifies and allows setting of the environment for Ooyala APIs in the OoyalaPlayer |
CEnvironmentType | An enumeration of the various Ooyala Environments that can be used for running the OoyalaPlayer |
CFCCTVRating | Encapsulates the UI-relevant rating data of an asset |
►CID3TagNotifier | Connect objects which can read ID3 tags from asset streams, to objects that want to perform some action (e.g |
CID3TagNotifierListener | |
CLocalizationSupport | |
CMoviePlayerSelector | Select the proper movie and stream player for a video/stream |
CObjectFromBacklotAPICallback | |
COoyalaAPIClient | |
►COoyalaException | |
COoyalaErrorCode | |
COoyalaManagedAdsPlugin | Ooyala managed ads plugin manages ooyala and vast ads |
COoyalaNotification | An object that is passed from the OoyalaPlayer to the all Observers that contains notification name and data |
►COoyalaPlayer | The OoyalaPlayer is the heart of the playback system |
CActionAtEnd | |
CContentOrAdType | |
CDesiredState | |
CIqTrackingState | |
CSeekStyle | |
CState | |
COoyalaPlayerLayout | |
CPaginatedItemListener | |
CPaginatedItemResponse | |
CPlayerDomain | Represents the domain under which Ooyala analytics will be recorded |
CPlayerInfo | PlayerInfo is a collection of information that describes the capabilities of the playback device |
CSecureURLGenerator | |
CSeekInfo | Created by ukumar on 8/30/16 |
CServerTaskAuthAndMetadata | A class that implements auth and metadata task |
CServerTaskCallback | A callback interface for some Asynchronous callback tasks Generally used only internally for network requests |
CSignatureGenerator | |
CStateNotifier | Connect State changing objects with listeners thereof |
CStateNotifierListener | |
CStreamSelector | |
CSubTaskContentTree | A class that implements Content Tree subtask |
CSubTaskContentTreeByExternalIds | A class that implements Content Tree by external IDs subtask |
CUtils | |
▼Ncast | |
►Nmediainfo | |
CMediaInfoPreparer | Provides capability to prepare and get MediaInfo for casting |
CPlayerParamsPreparer | Prepare params for MediaMetadata as embed token, CC, auth token, domain, embed code, etc |
CVideoData | |
CCastEventBusCommunicator | CastEventBusCommunicator provides capability to communicate with Custom Receiver via custom message bus |
►CCastManager | CastManager is singleton |
CCastManagerInitializationException | |
CCastPlayer | Control the playback e.g |
CRemoteMediaClientListener | Workaround to let correct update states of minicontroller and notification |
CUpdateImageViewRunnable | Update the ImageView's image based on a url |
CComparable | |
CException | |
CHttpDataSourceException | |
CIterable | |