Ad Set Fields
The following is a reference table of fields for use with the ad sets resource in the Backlot API.
Ad Set Fields
Ad Set Field | Description |
name | The name of your Ad Set. |
id | Your Ad Set’s unique identifier |
default | If true then this Ad Set will automatically be applied to movies that get added to your content library. Only one ad set can have this field set to true at any time. |
ads | An array of ad objects. See below. |
Ad Fields
Ad Field | Description |
id | String which uniquely associates an Ad with an Ad Set |
ad_source | Can be either “assets” (Ad comes from your content library) or a string identifying an ad network (valid examples include “VAST Compliant In-Stream”, “BrightRoll Overlay”, “YuMe Video”, etc). |
ad_type | Can be either “preroll” (Ad plays before your movie begins), “postroll” (plays after your movie ends), “midroll” (plays in the middle of your movie), or “cuepoint”. |
click_url | URL indicating where to redirect the user when they click the Ad. |
duration | This field is only visible if your Ad has ad_source set to “assets”. Indicates the length of your Ad in milliseconds. |
embed_code | This field is only visible if your Ad has ad_source set to “assets”. Identifies which Asset from your content library is used as your Ad. |
name | This field is only visible if your Ad has ad_source set to “assets”. Identifies the name of the Asset from your content library to be used as your Ad. |
plays_before | Ad is first shown after the first X plays. |
plays_between | Ad is shown after every X plays. |
position | This field is only applies to Ads with type “midroll”. Indicates when the Ad will be played during your movie. |
position_type | This field is only applies to Ads with type “midroll”. Indicates whether the position is measured in milliseconds or a percentage of movie duration. Valid values are “milliseconds” and “percent”. |
tag_url | This field only applies to third party ads. URL to the XML file containing your ad tag. |
tracking_pixel_url | This URL is pinged whenever the Ad is played. |
Ad Sources
assets |
AdTech |
AdTech Overlay |
Adap.tv |
Adify In-Stream |
Adify Overlay |
Atlas |
BrightRoll Overlay |
Brightroll In-Stream |
CBS Interactive |
CCI OPF Overlay |
Dart Enterprise (VAST) |
Dart Enterprise Overlay (VAST) |
Dev Ad Display |
Dev Ad Display Overlay |
Dev Ad Manager |
DoubleClick |
DoubleClick Overlay |
EyeWonder |
Freewheel |
Freewheel Commercial Breaks |
Freewheel OPF Module |
Freewheel Overlay |
Google Adsense Endcap |
Google Adsense Overlay |
Google Adsense Video |
Google IMA V3 |
HIRO-Media |
LightningCast |
LiveRail |
LiveRail (VAST) In-Stream |
LiveRail (VAST) Overlay |
Ooyala In-Stream |
Open AdStream |
Open AdStream Overlay |
OpenX In-Stream |
OpenX Overlay |
ScanScout |
ScanScout (Mobile) |
SpotXchange |
TV2N |
The Video Network |
The Video Platform |
Tremor Media - Acudeo |
Tremor Media - Acudeo Lite |
VAST Compliant In-Stream |
VAST Compliant Overlay |
VPAID OPF Overlay |
Videoplaza |
Yahoo |
YuMe OPF |
YuMe OPF Overlay |
YuMe Overlay |
YuMe Video |