Backlot API Reference
version 2.0
The Backlot REST API is designed to enable custom integrations between your platforms and Backlot services. Use cases include automated asset upload, configuration, and retrieval. Thus various Backlot UI actions can be performed programmatically using the Backlot API.
An overview of REST API conventions in the context of Backlot can be found here.
General Backlot REST API calls can be made using Scratchpad. Information on Scratchpad is available here.
API libraries for generating and signing requests may be found here under Backlot REST API Libraries.
Ad Sets
Ad sets are ad configurations which control the ad experience of an asset during playback. The API can be used to create, delete, and change the names of ad sets, as well as assign ad sets to assets. All other ad behavior must be defined through the Backlot UI.
View all ad sets.
A description of ad sets in terms of their fields is available here.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Create an ad set.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View a given ad set specified by its ID. You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing ad sets, for example [GET] /v2/ad_sets.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Modify the ad set specified by a given ID.
You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing ad sets, for example [GET] /v2/ad_sets.
Note: When changing the name of the ad set, the name cannot contain hidden characters. Hidden characters are those with ASCII values between 0 and 31, except for 10 (newline) and 13 (carriage return).
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Delete the ad set specified by a given ID.
You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing ad sets, for example [GET] /v2/ad_sets.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Add an ad to an ad set.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Delete an ad from an ad set by its ID.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
An asset represents a piece of content, such as a video, audio, an ad, a channel, a remote asset, or a YouTube link.
Returns an array of your assets. You may add an optional include parameter to ask for an array of items, e.g., labels, associated to your assets.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets
for the URL.
Asset resources in the APIs have this structure:
• name - The name of the asset.
• description - A description of your asset.
• asset_type - The asset type can be one of
• video
• audio
• live_stream
• live_audio
• ad
• channel
• channel_set
• remote_asset
• youtube
• embed_code - Your asset ID. This embed code is also used for embedding video assets into HTML.
• created_at - Date and time of creation.
• updated_at - Date and time asset was updated.
• original_file_name - The original filename.
• status - The current status of your asset. This can be uploading
, processing
, paused
, or live
(deprecated). Setting a video's status to paused
will prevent it from being played in the player.
• duration - The video's duration in milliseconds.
• preview_image_url - The URL of the image shown for this video in the player's start screen.
• external_id - You can set an external ID for any asset in your library, which can be helpful when integrating Backlot with other content management systems. An asset's external ID can be used instead of the asset's embed code anywhere an embed code is expected in our APIs. External IDs cannot contain commas (",") or slashes ("/"), and the same external ID cannot be assigned to two different assets.
• closed_captions_url - The URL for the closed captions file for this asset.
• publishing_rule_id - The ID for the publishing rule.
• time_restrictions - Time restrictions. This can be set to null to inherit from the publishing rule. Otherwise, the time restriction can be a time range:
• type - range
• start_date - The start date and time.
• end_date - The end date and time. Can be null.
or a recurring time slot:
• type - recurring
- Recurring times don't include the hour, minutes, or seconds in the date fields.
• start_date - The start date.
• end_date - The end date. Can be null.
• recurring_days - An array of the days that are recurring.
• all_day - A boolean value. Start and end time are only shown when this is set to false
• start_time - The start time.
• end_time - The end time.
• download_allowed - A string that is set to Y
or N
. Indicates whether download is allowed for video assets. By default, and for non-video assets, the parameter is set to N
• stream_urls - The fields below are only present for remote assets. These are URLs to video files, one for each device. Valid video URLs are
• flash
• iphone
• ipad
• itunes
• source
The fields are:
• flash - Video file for Flash-enabled devices.
• iphone - URL for iPhone feeds.
• ipad - URL for iPad feeds.
• itunes - URL for iTunes feeds.
• source - URL for source feeds.
• is_live_stream - (Deprecated.) A boolean value indicating whether the asset is a live stream.
• The fields below are only present for live streams (deprecated).
• primary_entry_point - (Deprecated.) The primary point of entry.
• backup_entry_point - (Deprecated.) A backup point of entry.
• is_flash - (Deprecated.) A boolean value.
• is_ios - (Deprecated.) A boolean value.
• encodings - (Deprecated.) An array of objects encapsulating width, height, and bitrate.
• The fields below are only present for ads.
• disable_seek_for_standalone - A boolean value.
• click_url - A URL to which the ad will redirect upon being clicked.
• tracking_pixel_urls - An array of URLs called every time the ad is displayed.
Create an asset. This can be a video
, audio
, live_stream
(deprecated), live_audio
(deprecated), ad
, channel
(deprecated), channel_set
(deprecated), remote_asset
, or youtube
Uploading a video file is a four-step process:
- Create an asset using this POST API call.
- Obtain the asset ID of your asset. This is its embed code. One way to find this is by performing a GET v2/assets and getting your particular asset's embed code from the response.
- GET the upload URL for the asset, and upload the file to that URL.
- Mark the video as uploaded to begin video processing.
The required parameters for uploading a video are name
, asset_type
, file_name
, and file_size
Live Stream - Video (deprecated)
The required parameters for creating a video live stream are name
, asset_type
, primary_encoder_ip
, password
, encodings
. The encodings
parameter is a list of up to 8 items describing the different encodings available for the live stream. The password
is the encoder password. The is_flash
and is_ios
parameters indicate whether the live stream will be playable on Flash or iOS devices, respectively.
Live Stream - Audio (deprecated)
The required parameters for creating an audio live stream are name
, asset_type
, and serving_url
. The asset type in this case will be live_audio.
Channels and Channel Sets (deprecated)
The required parameters for creating a channel set are name
and asset_type
. The type must be set to channel or channel_set. You may make further modifications by subsequently using a PUT API call with the channel's ID.
Remote Assets
The required parameters for creating a remote asset are name
, asset_type
, duration
, and stream_urls
. The asset type in this case will be remote_asset. The stream URLs should be encoded as a JSON object consisting of key-value pairs, where the keys can be flash
, iphone
, ipad
, itunes
, and source
YouTube Assets
A YouTube asset creates a link to a video on YouTube. If the asset is part of a YouTube syndication, metadata changes in Backlot will be synced to YouTube. The required parameters for creating a YouTube asset are name
, asset_type
, and youtube_id
. The asset type should be youtube. No two assets in your account should have the same YouTube ID.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
An asset as specified by its ID. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
Get an asset with specified ID. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
If your asset is of youtube
type, a GET call response will display all YouTube IDs associated with the asset's embed code.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
Replace an asset with specified ID. Your asset's ID is its embed code. See this article on creating assets in general for more detailed information.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
Modify an asset with specified ID. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
You may choose to add an ad set to your asset by including its ID in the PATCH request. You may remove it by setting the ad set's ID to null
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
Delete an asset with specified ID. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
Deleted assets are still kept track of, and you can use this API call to GET them.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
View the ad set assigned to an asset. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}/ad_set
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
Get the closed captions file for a video asset. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
When closed captions files are assigned to a video, they are shown in the player during playback. The URL of the closed captions file is in the field closed_captions_url
of the asset resource. Redirection to the URL of the closed captions file takes place using standard HTTP 302 redirect mechanism. The location header contains the redirect URL.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
A listing of closed caption language codes is provided here.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}/closed_captions
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
Set or replace the closed captions file for a video asset. Your asset's ID is its embed code. The body of the request should be the closed captions file. The file should be in DFXP format.
When closed captions files are assigned to a video, they are shown in the player during playback. The URL of the closed captions file is in the field closed_captions_url
of the asset resource.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
A listing of closed caption language codes is provided here.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}/closed_captions
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
Remove closed captions file from a video asset. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
A listing of closed caption language codes is provided here.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}/closed_captions
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
Fetch all the attributes for a given DRM type.
If you package content using DRM and want Ooyala to serve licenses for that content, you will need to set some attributes per asset.
• For Widevine, you must set the id to the widevine asset ID.
• For Playready, you must set the key_id and the content_key. The content_key has the format content_key_version, where version
is an integer that matches the one in the license acquisition URL. For example, if the license acquisition URL is http://player.ooyala.com/sas/drm2/jqbkH9m/UPHGNsr/playready/ooyala/version/3
, then the corresponding key becomes content_key_3
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Add or update an attribute for a given DRM type.
If you package content using DRM and want Ooyala to serve licenses for that content, you will need to set some attributes per asset.
• For Widevine, you must set the id to the widevine asset ID.
• For Playready, you must set the key_id and the content_key. The content_key has the format content_key_version, where version
is an integer that matches the one in the license acquisition URL. For example, if the license acquisition URL is http://player.ooyala.com/sas/drm2/jqbkH9m/UPHGNsr/playready/ooyala/version/3
, then the corresponding key becomes content_key_3
You can delete an attribute by setting the attribute value to null
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
There are three resources that an asset can obtain its preview image from: images generated at keyframes in your movie during transcoding, images you upload, and images you specify by URL.
Issuing this request will return a list of image URLs and the time at which they appear in your movie. These are images generated by transcoding.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View the labels assigned to a given asset.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Add any array of labels to an asset. The array should contain the label IDs.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Assign a label by its ID to a given asset.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Unassign a label by its ID from a given asset.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View an asset's custom metadata. Custom metadata is a list of name-value string pairs that you can associate with any asset. This custom metadata is also available via the player's JavaScript APIs.
You may also query this using the include parameter with the v2/assets
or v2/assets/{asset_id}
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Set or replace an asset's custom metadata. Custom metadata is a list of name-value string pairs that you can associate with any asset. This custom metadata is also available via the player's JavaScript APIs.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Modify an asset's custom metadata. Custom metadata is a list of name-value string pairs that you can associate with any asset. This custom metadata is also available via the player's JavaScript APIs.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Remove all of an asset's custom metadata. Custom metadata is a list of name-value string pairs that you can associate with any asset. This custom metadata is also available via the player's JavaScript APIs.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Returns all URLs for a remote movie asset.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Specify the URLs for a remote movie asset.
The body of the POST should contain an associative array (JSON object) with the type of format as the key and the URL as the value. You identify the type of format by choosing its corresponding number from the supported formats table. Do not update more than 3 URLs at a time. To update more than 3 URLs, call the route more than once, each time with no more than 3 URLs. The admissible format types are:
• dash
• hds
• hls
• mp4
• akamai_hd2_hds
• akamai_hd2_hls
• rtmp
• smooth
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Deletes the URL of the specified format type for a remote movie asset.
The admissible format types are:
• dash
• hds
• hls
• mp4
• akamai_hd2_hds
• akamai_hd2_hls
• rtmp
• smooth
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View the player assigned to an asset. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}/player
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
Assign a specific player to an asset. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
All assets are assigned to your default player when first created. You can reassign the default player to your assets using the PUT call.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}/player/{player_id}
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
and player ID substituted for {player_id}
. See how to get a list of your player IDs here.
Get images you uploaded.
There are three resources that an asset can obtain its preview image from: images generated at keyframes in your movie during transcoding, images you upload, and images you specify by URL.
Ooyala stores images you upload for use as preview images for your movie. A single preview image can be uploaded for each movie.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Add one or more preview image files to an asset's current preview image files. In the body of the request, specify an array of files you wish to add.
There are three resources that an asset can obtain its preview image from: images generated at keyframes in your movie during transcoding, images you upload, and images you specify by URL.
Ooyala stores images you upload for use as preview images for your movie. A single preview image can be uploaded for each movie.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Replace an asset's current preview image files with one or more preview image files. In the body of the request, specify an array of files you wish to add.
There are three resources that an asset can obtain its preview image from: images generated at keyframes in your movie during transcoding, images you upload, and images you specify by URL.
Ooyala stores images you upload for use as preview images for your movie. A single preview image can be uploaded for each movie.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Delete all preview images you uploaded.
There are three resources that an asset can obtain its preview image from: images generated at keyframes in your movie during transcoding, images you upload, and images you specify by URL.
Ooyala stores images you upload for use as preview images for your movie. A single preview image can be uploaded for each movie.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Delete an image you uploaded, as specified by its ID.
There are three resources that an asset can obtain its preview image from: images generated at keyframes in your movie during transcoding, images you upload, and images you specify by URL.
Ooyala stores images you upload for use as preview images for your movie. A single preview image can be uploaded for each movie.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get preview images you specified by URL.
There are three resources that an asset can obtain its preview image from: images generated at keyframes in your movie during transcoding, images you upload, and images you specify by URL.
The preview image URLs must point to the same image at different resolutions.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Add a new preview image as specified by URL.
There are three resources that an asset can obtain its preview image from: images generated at keyframes in your movie during transcoding, images you upload, and images you specify by URL.
The preview image URLs must point to the same image at different resolutions.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Replace all your preview images specified by URL with new ones. Note: this removes any preview image URLs you specified before.
There are three resources that an asset can obtain its preview image from: images generated at keyframes in your movie during transcoding, images you upload, and images you specify by URL.
The preview image URLs must point to the same image at different resolutions.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Delete all preview images you specified by URL.
There are three resources that an asset can obtain its preview image from: images generated at keyframes in your movie during transcoding, images you upload, and images you specify by URL.
The preview image URLs must point to the same image at different resolutions.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get the primary preview image for your asset.
The primary preview image has a type: (transcoding) generated
, remote_url
, or uploaded_file
. The video player will examine the images within that type and pick one with the appropriate image quality and resolution to fit the device and connection quality.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Select the primary preview image for your asset.
The primary preview image has a type: (transcoding) generated
, remote_url
, or uploaded_file
. You specify the type
. If the type is generated, also specify the time
when the image was created. The video player will examine the images within that type and pick one with the appropriate image quality and resolution to fit the device and connection quality.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View the publishing rule assigned to a given asset.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Assign a publishing rule by its ID to a given asset.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Retrieve an asset's source file: An asset's source file is the original video file that was uploaded to Ooyala, prior to transcoding. You can retrieve information about this file as well as a link to download it.
This API will return a status code of 400
for assets which do not have uploaded source files, like channels (deprecated) and remote assets.
Note that URLs to source files are signed, and they expire after 72 hours.
The file_size
is in bytes.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get the streams for a given asset: Assets are transcoded into different resolutions, codecs, and bitrates. Each of these is called a stream, and can be retrieved through an asset's streams collection.
The stream_type field can be either single
or abr
, indicating "adaptive bitrate playback".
The profile field can be either baseline
, main
, or high
The is_source field will be true
if, and only if, the queried item is, in fact, the original source file.
Among the items contained in the response will be a stream URL. To get the most accurate stream URL for the asset, use the Player v3 Authorization API or Player v4 Authorization API (depending on which Ooyala Player version you prefer to work with).
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get upload URLs for a given asset. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
This is typically part of the workflow for uploading a video, as detailed in the description of POST v2/assets.
Each URL corresponds to a byte range of the file. If you're not using chunked uploading, you can simply make a PUT request with your entire file to the single URL given in this response. If you're using chunked uploading, upload the file in chunks, where each chunk corresponds with one of the URLs given in this response.
When uploading a URL or chunk in this context, do not sign the request as you would other requests. Simply PUT the chunk contents to the exact URLs. These URLs have already been signed for you.
For this GET request, you will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}/player
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
Mark an asset as uploaded. Your asset's ID is its embed code.
This is typically part of the workflow for uploading a video, as detailed in the description of POST v2/assets.
This action will allow pre-processing of your asset to begin.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/assets/{asset_id}/player
for the URL, with your embed code substituted for {asset_id}
View YouTube information for an asset.
Remote assets and videos will be syndicated to YouTube if:
• The asset is part of a YouTube syndication. See syndications for details.
• The asset has a valid YouTube ID.
Video assets that are part of a YouTube syndication will be automatically uploaded to YouTube. Remote assets are not uploaded to YouTube. We sync an asset's metadata to YouTube after the YouTube ID is set. Metadata consists of the title, description and the youtube_syndication_settings
A youtube_syndication_settings
object has the following structure:
• private - A boolean value. If set to true
, then private videos can only be viewed by people selected by the video's owner.
• mobile - A boolean value. If set to true
, then YouTube can show the video on mobile phones.
• embeddable - A boolean value. If set to true
, then the YouTube video can be embedded on third-party websites.
• keywords - An array of keywords.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Set or replace YouTube information for an asset.
Remote assets and videos will be syndicated to YouTube if:
• The asset is part of a YouTube syndication. See syndications for details.
• The asset has a valid YouTube ID.
Video assets that are part of a YouTube syndication will be automatically uploaded to YouTube. Remote assets are not uploaded to YouTube. We sync an asset's metadata to YouTube after the YouTube ID is set. Metadata consists of the title, description and the youtube_syndication_settings
A youtube_syndication_settings
object has the following structure:
• private - A boolean value. If set to true
, then private videos can only be viewed by people selected by the video's owner.
• mobile - A boolean value. If set to true
, then YouTube can show the video on mobile phones.
• embeddable - A boolean value. If set to true
, then the YouTube video can be embedded on third-party websites.
• keywords - An array of keywords.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Update YouTube information for an asset.
If you change the youtube_video_id
of the asset, then the asset is linked to the new YouTube video. The old video is not deleted from YouTube.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
(Deprecated.) View a channel's lineup. This returns an array containing embed codes (of channel assets) and external IDs.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
(Deprecated.) Create or replace a channel's lineup. Make this API request with an array containing embed codes (of assets) or external IDs.
Note that a channel's lineup cannot contain other channels or channel sets. A channel set's lineup can only contain channels.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
(Deprecated.) Add an asset to a channel lineup. The asset is specified through its embed code, or, if it is external, through an external ID.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
(Deprecated.) Remove an asset from a channel lineup. The asset is specified through its embed code, or, if it is external, through an external ID.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
DRM Policies
A digital-rights management (DRM) policy is a set of configurations for supported DRM technologies. To create a custom DRM policy, please contact Ooyala support. Also see the section on provider-level DRM policies.
View all DRM policies. Currently supported DRM technologies are Adobe Access, Playready, and Widevine. The properties of these known policies are described here.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View a given DRM policy specified by its ID. You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing policies, for example [GET] /v2/drm_policies.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Deleted Assets
Use this API to view deleted assets.
Use this API to view deleted assets.
Note that the results are ordered in descending order based on when the asset was deleted. So the first asset returned in the response is the last asset to be deleted. The results are paged 500 assets to a single page. Subsequent pages can be retrieved from the page token that is also returned as part of the response.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
You can use labels to organize your content. They are used when searching for videos, retrieving analytics, and assigning external publishing groups.
View all labels. You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Create a label. You may optionally include a parent ID to create the label as a child of an existing label with that ID.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View all labels with the specified paths. {paths}
is a comma-separated list of label paths. The paths must be CGI-escaped.
The API call returns a 400 status code if any of the paths do not exist. The response body specifies the existing and missing labels.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Create the labels with the specified paths. {paths}
is a comma-separated list of label paths. The paths must be CGI-escaped.
This request creates any missing labels on the path in a fashion similar to the Unix command mkdir -p
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View a label with specified ID. You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing labels, for example [GET] /v2/labels.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Modify a label specified by an ID.
You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing labels, for example [GET] /v2/labels.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Delete a specified label, as well as all its children.
You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing labels, for example [GET] /v2/labels.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View all the children (sublabels) of a label with a specified ID. You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing labels, for example [GET] /v2/labels.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View all the assets assigned to a label with a specified ID. You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing labels, for example [GET] /v2/labels.
The results do not include assets assigned to sub-labels. For example, 'Baseball' is a sublabel of 'Sports'. Querying for the assets assigned to 'Sports' will not return assets assigned to 'Baseball'.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
A package lists the features that are available to a provider for distributing and monetizing assets, such as what types of feeds are available and whether closed captions and pay-per-view are supported. The user calling this API must have the reseller permission.
A package lists the features that are available to a provider for distributing and monetizing assets, such as what types of feeds are available and whether closed-captions and pay-per-view are supported. Each provider is assigned to one package, but a package may be shared among many providers. The reseller assigns a package to a provider.
Make this GET call to view all packages.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View information on a package with a given ID. You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing packages, for example [GET] /v2/packages.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Players define playback options and represent the look and feel of your content. You can create players and assign them to one or more assets in your account.
View players. With no ID specified, the request is to view all players.
For a given player, the player version will be returned. The player version can be V3 or V4. By default, players are POSTed as V4, but players that had been created before this feature are marked as V3.
If the player version is V4, the release version will also be returned. This can be production or latest. The default is production, but latest is used for testing purposes.
Versions can be set using the Backlot UI.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters. You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Create a player.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players
for the URL, and a JSON object representing the player you wish to create into the box below that. Have POST selected, then click Submit. This will generate the POST request, and the posted player will be available in your Backlot account under the Publish tab if the request is successful.
To create your player, name is the only required parameter in the JSON object request.
View a player as specified by the player ID.
Besides other parameters, the player version will be returned. The player version can be V3 or V4. By default, players are POSTed as V4, but players that had been created before this feature are marked as V3.
If the player version is V4, the release version will also be returned. This can be production or latest. The default is production, but latest is used for testing purposes.
Versions can be set using the Backlot UI.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters. You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Modify a player.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
. In the box below, type in a JSON object representing the modifications you wish to make to your player. Have PATCH selected, then click Submit. This will generate the PATCH request, and the modifications will show up in your Backlot account if the request is successful.
Note that you cannot patch your default player to be non-default. Instead, patch another non-default player to be default.
Delete a player.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
. Have DELETE selected, then click Submit. If you refresh your Backlot account, the player you deleted will no longer appear, provided the request was successful.
You cannot delete or rename your account's default player.
Player metadata is a list of name/value string pairs that you can associate with any player.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
To get metadata, make a GET request to the /v2/players/{player_id}/metadata
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/metadata
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
Player metadata is a list of name/value string pairs that you can associate with any player.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
To modify metadata, make a PATCH request to the /v2/players/{player_id}/metadata
URL with the metadata as the request body. For instance, this might be the skin.
You may delete a metadata attribute by setting it to null
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/metadata
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
Player metadata is a list of name/value string pairs that you can associate with any player.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
To replace all metadata, make a PUT request to the /v2/players/{player_id}/metadata
URL with the metadata as the request body. For instance, this might be the skin.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/metadata
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
Player metadata is a list of name/value string pairs that you can associate with any player.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
To delete all metadata, make a DELETE request to the /v2/players/{player_id}/metadata
You may delete a single metadata attribute by setting it to null
in a PATCH request.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/metadata
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
The scrubber image is the image that is displayed in the player as you navigate a video using the player scrubber.
The image's aspect ratio should be 4:3 and its dimensions should not exceed 320 x 240
To upload a scrubber image, make a PUT request to the /v2/players/{player_id}/scrubber_image
URL with the image file as the request body.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/scrubber_image
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
Watermarks display while your content is being viewed.
Valid file extensions are .png, .jpg, .gif, and .swf.
We recommend using .png files with transparent backgrounds for best results.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
To upload a watermark, make a PUT request to the /v2/players/{player_id}/watermark
URL with the watermark file as the request body.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/watermark
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
View all third-party modules associated with your player.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/third_party_modules
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
View the third-party modules associated with your player, as specified by the module's ID.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/third_party_modules/{module_id}
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
, and your module's ID substituted for {module_id}
Add a third-party module to a player, as specified by the module's ID. The module may or may not include parameters.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/third_party_modules/{module_id}
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
, and your module's ID substituted for {module_id}
Modify a third-party module associated to a player, as specified by the module's ID.
Key-value pairs in the parameters object will be appended if not already present, or else overwrite existing keys.
Keys that are not present in the object will not be deleted.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/third_party_modules/{module_id}
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
, and your module's ID substituted for {module_id}
Remove a third-party module from a player, as specified by the module's ID.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature. Type in /v2/players/{player_id}/third_party_modules/{module_id}
for the URL, with your player ID substituted for {player_id}
, and your module's ID substituted for {module_id}
A playlist consists of a list of movies or labels. Playlists can be used to sequentially play or display their contents. Playlists are generally very lightweight and fast.
View all playlists. Playlist resources have the structure shown in the example response. In particular, the type can be movie
, label_and
, or label_or
. The sort_by criterion can be null
, random
, date
, custom
, date_desc
, name
, or name_desc
. The limit is the maximum number of items to show when viewing the playlist. If the type is movie, the items array is a list of embed codes in the playlist. Otherwise, if the type is label_or or label_and, then items is an array of label IDs in the playlist.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Create a playlist. You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View a given playlist specified by its ID. You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing playlists, for example [GET] /v2/playlists.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Replace the playlist specified by a given ID.
You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing playlists, for example [GET] /v2/playlists.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Modify the playlist specified by a given ID.
You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing playlists, for example [GET] /v2/playlists.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Delete the playlist specified by a given ID.
You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing playlists, for example [GET] /v2/playlists.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Processing Profiles
A processing profile determines how an asset is encoded and what types of streams are available for viewing the asset. The user calling this API must have the reseller permission.
A processing profile determines how an asset is encoded and what types of streams are available for viewing the asset. Each provider is assigned to one processing profile, but a processing profile may be shared among many providers. The reseller assigns a processing profile to a provider.
A processing profile's private parameter is set to false
if the profile may be shared with other providers, and to true
otherwise. If private is set to true
, then changes to this profile will not affect other providers.
Make this API call to view all processing profiles.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View the processing profile specified by a given profile ID. You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing processing profiles, for example [GET] /v2/processing_profiles.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Provider-Level DRM Policies
A digital-rights management (DRM) policy is a set of configurations for supported DRM technologies. A policy can be set as the default policy applied to all your assets.
Get the default DRM policy, if it exists.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Remove the policy.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Set a DRM policy as the default for all your assets, as specified by the policy's ID. You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing policies, for example [GET] /v2/drm_policies.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
This API can be used to get the list of provider accounts managed by a reseller. The user calling this API must have the reseller permission.
View all providers. Obtain a paginated list of all the reseller's live providers, ordered from newest to oldest.
Provider resources have the following structure:
- name - A name for the provider account.
pcode - The unique identifier of a content provider. You can obtain the pcode for your provider account from your API key. API keys are comprised of two parts, separated by a dot. The first part is your pcode, the second part is a unique identifier for your user account. For example, the pcode for API key
. - api_v1_secret - A secret key.
- admin_user_email - The provider's administrator user email.
address - An object encapsulating the provider's address:
- street - The provider's street address.
- street2 - A continuation of the provider's street address. An apartment or suite number.
- city - The city of the provider's street address.
- state - The state of the provider's street address.
- zip - The ZIP code of the provider's street address.
- country - The country in which the provider's street address is located.
- package_id - The provider's package ID.
- created_at - Date of creation of the resource.
- bucket - The provider bucket, for example http://uploader.ooyala.com.
- notes - Notes on this provider.
phone_numbers - An object encapsulating the provider's phone number(s):
- phone - Main phone number.
- phone2 - Secondary phone number.
- processing_profile_id - ID for a provider's processing profile.
- secret - A secret key.
status - Can be
, ordeleted
You may also query and filter providers. This works in a similar way to the query API for assets. See the where and users query parameters below for more details.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Create a provider.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View a provider with specified passcode. You may obtain the passcode by using GET commands to view existing providers, for example [GET] /v2/providers.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Modify a provider specified by a passcode. You may obtain the passcode by using GET commands to view existing providers, for example [GET] /v2/providers.
A timezone can be assigned to a provider and is used to customize the information in analytics reports. This table lists the timezones that may be set for a provider. Set a timezone by indicating its name.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Delete a specified provider. You may obtain the provider's passcode by using GET commands to view existing providers, for example [GET] /v2/providers.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get a list of assets for a given provider.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get a list of players for a given provider.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get a list of paywalls for a given provider.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get a list of ad sets for a given provider.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get a list of syndication groups for a given provider.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View all sub-accounts for a given provider.
Sub-accounts are providers that are subsidiary to the master provider. The master account has access to all the sub-account's videos and analytics. For example, a company could have separate sub-accounts for each division in the company: the sub-accounts would only see analytics for their videos but the company can see analytics across the different divisions.
Please contact your sales team or account manager for details of the sub-accounts feature.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get the list of changes to a provider's account. (Whenever a provider's status or package is changed, we record the date of the change as well as the old and new status and the old and new package.)
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View a given provider's processing profile.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View a given provider's package.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Assign a provider as a sub-account of another provider.
Sub-accounts are providers that are subsidiary to the master provider. The master account has access to all the sub-account's videos and analytics. For example, a company could have separate sub-accounts for each division in the company: the sub-accounts would only see analytics for their videos but the company can see analytics across the different divisions.
Please contact your sales team or account manager for details of the sub-accounts feature.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Unassign a sub-account from its master account.
Sub-accounts are providers that are subsidiary to the master provider. The master account has access to all the sub-account's videos and analytics. For example, a company could have separate sub-accounts for each division in the company: the sub-accounts would only see analytics for their videos but the company can see analytics across the different divisions.
Please contact your sales team or account manager for details of the sub-accounts feature.
You may obtain provider passcodes by using GET commands to view existing providers, for example [GET] /v2/providers.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Publishing Rules
Publishing rules specify when and where your content can be played. With publishing rules, you can restrict your content to specific geographic regions, ensure that it is only embedded on specific domains, and set specific viewing times.
View all publishing rules.
Publishing rules specify when and where your content can be played. With publishing rules, you can restrict your content to specific geographic regions, ensure that it is only embedded on specific domains, and set specific viewing times.
When your asset is loaded, it checks its publishing rule before playing. Each rule that you create can contain any combination of these restrictions and can be assigned to multiple videos or channels.
Within the Backlot UI, publishing rules are called syndication groups.
Publishing rules have the following structure:
- id - The ID of the publishing rule.
- name - A name for your publishing rule.
- geographic_restrictions - An object specifying geographic restrictions:
domain_restrictions - An object specifying domain restrictions:
type - Can be
. - domains - An array containing domain URLs.
type - Can be
proxy_restrictions - An object containing:
anonymizer_statuses - An array of statuses. Ooyala uses Neustar's IP Intelligence service to identify anonymizing proxies. Neustar assigns the following statuses to IP addresses that have been detected as a proxy:
- IP addresses with this designation allegedly contain anonymous proxies that are not publicly accessible. As such, they cannot be routinely tested with automated tools. These addresses usually belong to commercial ventures that sell anonymity services to the public (Hotspot Shield, CyberGhost, and others). Addresses with this designation are derived from ownership information or obtained from trusted, high-confidence sources. -
- The anonymizer tested positive within the last six months. -
- The anonymizer tested positive within the last two years, but not the last six months. -
- The anonymizer gave no positive test results within the last two years.
anonymizer_statuses - An array of statuses. Ooyala uses Neustar's IP Intelligence service to identify anonymizing proxies. Neustar assigns the following statuses to IP addresses that have been detected as a proxy:
time_restrictions - See the description in the assets article. When using a
time restriction, times represent an absolute UTC time. When using arecurring
time restriction, times are based on the viewer's local time. -
allowed_devices - An array of devices where playback is allowed. This can contain any among the following supported devices:
, andblackberry
. Playback will be attempted on all unsupported devices. -
secure_playback_token - An object containing information encapsulating a secure playback token. (Secure playback tokens are only enabled for certain packages. Please contact your account manager if you would like to try this feature.) The secure playback token is specified by:
enabled - A boolean value representing whether the token is enabled. Can be
. - expiration - An integer. The expiration time in seconds.
require_user_entitlement - A boolean value representing whether user entitlement is required. Can be
enabled - A boolean value representing whether the token is enabled. Can be
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Create a publishing rule.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
A name for your publishing rule is also required.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
View a publishing rule with specified ID. You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing publishing rules, for example [GET] /v2/publishing_rules.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Modify a publishing rule specified by an ID.
You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing publishing rules, for example [GET] /v2/publishing_rules.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Delete a specified publishing rule.
You may obtain the ID by using GET commands to view existing publishing rules, for example [GET] /v2/publishing_rules.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Use this API to get information about the reseller who is currently logged in. To call this API, one must have the reseller permission.
Get information about the reseller who is currently logged in.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Use this API call to modify reseller information. Resellers can change some of their own attributes, such as their name, email_pingback_url, and billing_url.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
A reseller can get information such as the number of hours and gigabytes of videos processed. This information is aggregated per month. The user calling this API must have the reseller permission.
Get the number of accounts in each package, grouped by status.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get the sum of the statistics for all the providers under a reseller for a given date.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get the statistics for a given provider under a reseller for a given date. Here {pcode}
is the passcode associated with the given provider.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
A syndication consists of a list of content and a destination to which you want to syndicate the content. The feed's type determines which streams will be used in the syndication (e.g., an mp4 stream or a source file stream) and the output format (e.g., plain MRSS, or sending the files to YouTube). Universal syndication is also available.
Third-Party Modules
Third-party modules are added to the player to enhance the base feature set. For instance, adding the Playlists module to the player will allow your player to display playlist-pods. See here for more information on how to modify a player's third-party module.
View all available third party modules. You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
This API keeps track of users for providers owned by resellers. To call this API, one must have the reseller permission.
View all users.
You will need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.
Get information about a user as specified by the user's API key.
You will also need to provide your api_key, expires, and signature parameters.
You can obtain your api_key by logging in to Backlot, navigating to the Account tab, navigating to the Developers tab, and retrieving your API key. You may then use your API Secret key in conjunction with your API key by going to the Scratchpad link, clicking the Your Account button on the upper right, and inputting your API keys. This will generate a URL with expires and signature.