<VOCommonPlayerDelegate > Protocol Reference

Protocol for event process. More...

#import <VOCommonPlayerDelegate.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for <VOCommonPlayerDelegate >:

Instance Methods

(VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE) - onVOEvent:param1:param2:pObj:
 Protocol to process events. More...
(VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE) - onVOSyncEvent:param1:param2:pObj:
 Protocol to process synchronous events. More...

Detailed Description

Protocol for event process.

Implement this delegation when it is required to receive event from the player.

Method Documentation

- (VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE VOCommonPlayerDelegate) onVOEvent: (VO_OSMP_CB_EVENT_ID)  nID
param1: (int)  param1
param2: (int)  param2
pObj: (void *)  pObj 

Protocol to process events.

Implement this listener to receive and manage events.

nID[out] Event type. Refer to VO_OSMP_CB_EVENT_ID.
param1[out] First parameter, specific to the event if needed.
param2[out] Second parameter, specific to the event if needed.
obj[out] Third parameter, specific to the event if needed.
VO_OSMP_ERR_NONE if successful.
- (VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE VOCommonPlayerDelegate) onVOSyncEvent: (VO_OSMP_CB_SYNC_EVENT_ID)  nID
param1: (int)  param1
param2: (int)  param2
pObj: (void *)  pObj 

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