<VOCommonPlayerHTTPConfiguration > Protocol Reference

#import <VOCommonPlayerHTTPConfiguration.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for <VOCommonPlayerHTTPConfiguration >:

Instance Methods

(VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE) - setHTTPVerificationInfo:
 Set the information to start HTTP verification. More...
(VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE) - setHTTPHeader:headerValue:
 set the HTTP header. More...
 Set the HTTP proxy. More...
(VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE) - setHTTPRetryTimeout:
 Set HTTP connection retry timeout. More...
(VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE) - enableHTTPGzipRequest:
 Enable/Disable sending HTTP request with gzip. More...

Method Documentation

- (VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE VOCommonPlayerHTTPConfiguration) enableHTTPGzipRequest: (bool)  enable

Enable/Disable sending HTTP request with gzip.

enable[in] Enable/Disable; true to enable, false to disable(default).
VO_OSMP_ERR_NONE if successful
- (VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE VOCommonPlayerHTTPConfiguration) setHTTPHeader: (NSString *)  headerName
headerValue: (NSString *)  headerValue 

set the HTTP header.

headerName[in] Set-Cookie: to set cookie; User-Agent: to set user agent; Del-Cookies: to clear all cookies.
headerValue[in] Corresponding value of 'headerName'.

If setting 'Set-Cookie', headerValue should be a string as below.

  • For example, HTTP link: cookie name=Test; domain=visualon.com; path=/; expires=2147483647;
  • For example, HTTPS link: cookie name=Test; domain=visualon.com; path=/; expires=2147483647; secure=false;

If setting 'User-Agent', headerValue should be a string value of the agent info as below.

  • Android: VisualOn OSMP+ Player(Android)
  • iOS: VisualOn OSMP+ Player(iOS)
  • Windows: VisualOn OSMP+ Player(Windows)

If 'Del-Cookies', headerValue should be "".

VO_OSMP_ERR_NONE if successful
- (VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE VOCommonPlayerHTTPConfiguration) setHTTPProxy: (VOOSMPHTTPProxy *)  proxy

Set the HTTP proxy.

proxy[in] proxy settings VOOSMPHTTPProxy
VO_OSMP_ERR_NONE if successful
- (VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE VOCommonPlayerHTTPConfiguration) setHTTPRetryTimeout: (int)  time

Set HTTP connection retry timeout.

Make sure to set the timeout before calling open(). The setting is applicable only after data source has been opened successfully.

time[in] interval, in seconds, in which the player attempts to re-establish the HTTP connection. The default is 120 seconds. Setting the value to -1 disables the timeout so that the player keeps retrying, until the connection is established again
VO_OSMP_ERR_NONE if successful
- (VO_OSMP_RETURN_CODE VOCommonPlayerHTTPConfiguration) setHTTPVerificationInfo: (VOOSMPVerificationInfo *)  info

Set the information to start HTTP verification.

info[in] Verification information. VOOSMPVerificationInfo
VO_OSMP_ERR_NONE if successful.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: