Getting Started

This tutorial shows you how to include and work with the IQ library in your Roku channel.

Getting the library

To get the library, go here.

Integrating the library in your project

Integrating the library in your project is as simple as copying IQ.brs to your source folder, like any other source file in your Roku channel. If you see issues when deploying your channel to a Roku device, make sure you have added the file in your zip build script/Makefile.

Adding IQ to your channel

Using the library in a Roku channel is simple.

  1. Instantiate the IQ object in your init code.

    Sub Main() = new IQ()

    This step marks the start of the session, and does not report anything back to IQ.

  2. Init your IQ session using your pcode when you load your video player. The pcode can be found in your Ooyala Backlot account. For more information, refer to Your API Credentials.

    Sub loadVideoPlayer()
      pcode  : "YOUR_BACKLOT_PCODE"
  3. Give IQ the metadata about the video you are about to play.{duration : 60, assetId : "AdDgFFGgEergergwrrehEj" , assetType: "external"} })

    This code is typically called when you have retrieved information about the content from a server, and before the video starts. The duration should be in seconds.

  4. Set the notification period of your video player to one second. This is very important, because IQ needs the highest possible precision on time updates.

    video = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
  5. When the user requests the content start, call reportPlayRequested. It takes one parameter isAutoplay. Set isAutoplay to true if the content was automatically played without user input.
  6. In the main event loop, forward all messages on the video message port to the library.
    while true
      msg = wait(1000, video.GetMessagePort())
    end while
  7. When the event loop is exited, call reportEventLoopExit. This allows the library to make sure that all the events were sent to the server.

    while true
      msg = wait(1000, video.GetMessagePort())
    end while
  8. Replays can be reported with reportReplay(). Custom events can also be reported with reportCustomEvent(name, metadata)."myCustomEvent", {myCustomValue : 42, myCustomParameter : "Brightscript is awesome!"})


The library possesses an attribute private_debugEnabled that can be set to true in order to get useful information about the tracked events in the console and to help troubleshoot problems.