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A class representing a request item sent to Cast receivers. More...
#import <GCKMediaRequestItem.h>
A class representing a request item sent to Cast receivers.
It can be used for precaching media contents.
Convenience initializer.
Initializes a GCKMediaRequestItem with URL and protocol type and use default values for other properties.
Designated initializer.
Initializes a GCKMediaRequestItem with URL, protocol type, initial time, and HLS segment type.
Helper to convert from NSString to GCKHLSSegmentFormat
Helper to convert from GCKHLSSegmentFormat to NSString
The HLS segment format.
It's required if protocolType == GCKStreamingProtocolTypeHLS. The default is GCKHLSSegmentFormatUndefined.
The initial time of media to precache.
The default is 0.0.
The URL of media content.
The media streaming protocol.