OOCastReceiverResponseManager Class Reference

#import <OOCastReceiverResponseManager.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for OOCastReceiverResponseManager:

Instance Methods

((unavailable("init not available") - __attribute__

Class Methods

(OOCastReceiverEvent) + eventTypeFromString:
(BOOL) + playheadTimeChangedInJSON:
(float) + playheadDurationFromJSON:
(float) + durationFromJSON:
(CMTimeRange) + seekableTimeRangeFromJSON:
(NSString *) + embedCodeFromContentTree:
(float) + contentTreeDurationFromJSON:
(NSString *) + closedCaptionsLanguageFromJSON:
(NSString *) + errorFromJSON:
(NSString *) + playerStateFromJSON:
(NSString *) + eventFromJSON:
(float) + convertReceiverJSONtoFloat:key: [implementation]

Method Documentation

- ((unavailable("init not available") __attribute__
+ (NSString *) closedCaptionsLanguageFromJSON: (NSDictionary *)  json
+ (float) contentTreeDurationFromJSON: (NSDictionary *)  json
+ (float) convertReceiverJSONtoFloat: (NSDictionary *)  json
key: (NSString *)  key 
+ (float) durationFromJSON: (NSDictionary *)  json
+ (NSString *) embedCodeFromContentTree: (NSDictionary *)  json
+ (NSString *) errorFromJSON: (NSDictionary *)  json
+ (NSString *) eventFromJSON: (NSDictionary *)  json
+ (OOCastReceiverEvent) eventTypeFromString: (NSString *)  stringType
+ (NSString *) playerStateFromJSON: (NSDictionary *)  json
+ (float) playheadDurationFromJSON: (NSDictionary *)  json
+ (BOOL) playheadTimeChangedInJSON: (NSDictionary *)  json
+ (CMTimeRange) seekableTimeRangeFromJSON: (NSDictionary *)  json

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