C_OOTBXMLAttribute | |
C_OOTBXMLAttributeBuffer | |
C_OOTBXMLElement | |
C_OOTBXMLElementBuffer | |
►C<AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate> | |
COOAssetLoaderDelegate | |
►C<NSCopying> | |
COOAssetDownloadOptions | Options object used to create an OODtoAsset |
C<OOStreamPlayerMappingPredicate > | |
CNSData(NSDataAdditions) | |
►C<NSFastEnumeration> | |
COOOrderedDictionary | OOOrderedDictionary |
►CNSObject | |
CMediaCodecUtils | |
COOAdOverlayInfo | |
COOAdPodInfo | OOAdPodInfo |
►COOAdSpot | A Generic class to hold AdSpot time info |
►COOManagedAdSpot | Base class for concrete ad spot implementations |
COOOoyalaAdSpot | A single ooyala video ad associated with specific time |
►COOVASTAdSpot | Represents all VAST information from a root VAST XML file |
COOVASTVMAPAdSpot | Defines all information around an Ad Spot as it was defined in a VMAP XML |
COOAdSpotManager | A class that manages a list of ad spots for a content |
►COOAdSpotPlugin | |
COOManagedAdsPlugin | |
COOAnalyticsPluginBaseImpl | |
COOAssetDownloadManager | |
COOAssetDownloadOptions | Options object used to create an OODtoAsset |
COOAssetDownloadStream | |
COOAssetLoaderDelegate | |
COOAssetStore | |
COOAudioTrack | |
COOCaption | Single timed text item |
COOCastModeOptions | |
COOClientId | |
COOClosedCaptions | An object which represents all closed captions information for the asset |
COOClosedCaptionsItem | OOClosedCaptionsItem |
COOClosedCaptionsStyle | Defines text style to be used when displaying closed captions |
►COOContentItem | A single playable content item, such as video |
►COOChannel | A OOContentItem which contains other items, representing a single channel as defined in Backlot |
COODynamicChannel | A OOContentItem which contains other items, dynamically created out of list of embed codes |
COOChannelSet | A OOContentItem which contains channels, representing a single channel set as defined in Backlot |
COOVideo | This class implements video stream object |
COODebugMode | Enable or disable Ooyala debug logs |
►COODefaultPlayerInfo | This is the default implementation of OOPlayerInfo |
COODefaultAudioOnlyPlayerInfo | This is the default implementation of OOPlayerInfo for audio_only assets |
COODeviceInfo | |
COODiscoveryManager | OODiscoveryManager |
COODiscoveryOptions | OODiscoveryOptions |
COODtoAsset | Use this class to manage an offline-downloadable asset |
COOEmbeddedSecureURLGenerator | Default implementation of OOSecureURLGenerator which will generate secured Ooyala API URLs using API key and secret |
COOEmbeddedSignatureGenerator | Default implementation of OOSignatureGenerator which will generate Ooyala API signatures using API secret |
COOFCCTVRating | Encapsulates the UI-relevant rating data of an asset |
COOFCCTVRatingConfiguration | Use this when first setting up the OoyalaPlayer to control the layout and behavior of the TV Ratings stamp |
COOImages | |
COOIQAnalyticsPlugin | |
COOIQConfiguration | Configurable values for IQ Analytics |
COOIQOfflineManager | |
COOModule | |
COOOoyalaAPIClient | Ooyala API client implementation |
COOOoyalaError | Represents an error in the Ooyala SDK |
COOOoyalaPlayer | The OoyalaPlayer is the heart of the playback system |
COOOoyalaPlayerStateConverter | |
COOOptions | Configurations to change the behavior of the OoyalaPlayer |
COOOrderedDictionary | OOOrderedDictionary |
►COOPlayer | OOPlayer |
COOStreamPlayer | |
COOPlayerDomain | Represents the domain under which Ooyala analytics will be recorded |
COOSeekInfo | |
COOStateNotifier | |
►COOStream | OOStream |
COOVASTStream | Represents a single VAST stream that can be played in a Stream Player |
COOUIUtils | OOUIUtils |
►COOUnbundledVideo | |
COOOfflineVideo | |
COOVASTAd | Represents all information from a single VAST XML file |
COOVASTCompanion | A Companion ad that was defined in a VAST advertisement |
COOVASTCompanionAds | A list of companion ads that was defined in a VAST XML |
COOVASTCreative | A creative that was defined in a VAST XML |
COOVASTIcon | Represents a VASTIcon that needs to be displayed on during a VAST ad |
COOVASTLinearAd | Represents a single VAST linear advertisement |
COOVASTNonLinear | A single non-linear, static advertisement that was defined in a VAST XML |
COOVASTNonLinearAds | A list of non-linear, static advertisement that was defined in a VAST XML |
COOVASTOffset | Defines an offset for when ad-related events should happen around VAST ads |
COOVASTResource | A URL from which to get VAST information |
COOVASTUtils | Various VAST-related utilities |
COOVASTVMAPAdHelper | Various VMAP-related utilities |
CScrubberSliderFraming | A class which helps measure the correct size for the scrubber, after all buttons have been measured |
►C<NSObject> | |
►C<OOAdPlugin> | An interface to implement an Ad Plugin, which can plug into the OoyalaPlayer |
COOAdSpotPlugin | |
C<OOAnalyticsPluginProtocol > | |
C<OOAudioTrackProtocol > | Encapsulates important information of an AVMediaSelectionOption instance |
C<OOAudioTrackSelectionProtocol > | This protocol defines all the required methods to manage audio tracks for an asset |
C<OOAuthorizableItem > | A protocol that represents a content item that requires authorization to play |
C<OOCastManagerProtocol > | |
C<OOEmbedTokenGenerator > | A protocol that defines how the Ooyala Player can creates Ooyala Player Tokens for OPT-enforced playback |
C<OOOoyalaPlayerDelegate > | |
►C<OOPaginatedParentItem> | |
COOChannel | A OOContentItem which contains other items, representing a single channel as defined in Backlot |
COOChannelSet | A OOContentItem which contains channels, representing a single channel set as defined in Backlot |
C<OOPlayableItem > | A simple protocol which has the list of available streams for playback |
C<OOPlayerInfo > | OOPlayerInfo represents information describing the capabilities of the playback device |
►C<OOPlayerProtocol> | |
COOPlayer | OOPlayer |
C<OOSecureURLGenerator > | A protocol used to request a signed URL for Player API requests |
C<OOSignatureGenerator > | A protocol which signs data based on Ooyala signature protocol |
C<OOStreamPlayerMappingCreator > | |
►C<OOAdPluginManagerProtocol> | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(AdPluginManagement) | |
COOAdsLearnMoreButton | |
►C<OOAdSpotPluginDelegate> | |
COOManagedAdsPlugin | |
►C<OOAnalyticsPluginProtocol> | |
COOAnalyticsPluginBaseImpl | |
COOIQAnalyticsPlugin | |
►C<OOAudioTrackProtocol> | |
COOAudioTrack | |
►C<OOAudioTrackSelectionProtocol> | |
COOPlayer | OOPlayer |
►C<OOAuthorizableItem> | |
COOContentItem | A single playable content item, such as video |
COOOoyalaAdSpot | A single ooyala video ad associated with specific time |
C<OOCuePointViewDurationDataSource> | An interface that gives OOCuePointsView the duration to use when rendering its cuepoints |
C<OOFairplayContentKeyDelegate> | This delegate communicates about downloading a Fairplay license |
COOIQOfflineManager(Internal) | |
►C<OOLifeCycle> | Handle events around the lifecycle of the OOOoyalaPlayer |
C<OOAdPlugin> | An interface to implement an Ad Plugin, which can plug into the OoyalaPlayer |
COOPlayer | OOPlayer |
►C<OOMultiAudioProtocol> | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(MultiAudio) | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(Ads) | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(AppEvents) | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(Cast) | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(Channel) | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(ClosedCaptions) | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(MoviePlayerCreation) | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(Playback) | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(PlaybackWorkflow) | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(UI) | |
►C<OOPlayableItem> | |
COOOoyalaAdSpot | A single ooyala video ad associated with specific time |
COOVASTLinearAd | Represents a single VAST linear advertisement |
COOVideo | This class implements video stream object |
►C<OOPlaybackSpeedProtocol> | |
COOOoyalaPlayer(PlaybackSpeed) | |
►C<OOPlaybackSpeedSelectionProtocol> | |
COOPlayer | OOPlayer |
►C<OOPlayerInfo> | |
COODefaultPlayerInfo | This is the default implementation of OOPlayerInfo |
►C<OOSecureURLGenerator> | |
COOEmbeddedSecureURLGenerator | Default implementation of OOSecureURLGenerator which will generate secured Ooyala API URLs using API key and secret |
►C<OOSignatureGenerator> | |
COOEmbeddedSignatureGenerator | Default implementation of OOSignatureGenerator which will generate Ooyala API signatures using API secret |
COOTBXML(StaticFunctions) | |
COOVideo(Internal) | |
►CUIButton | |
COOAirPlayButton | |
COOPiPButton | |
►COOScalableImageButton | |
COOClosedCaptionsButton | |
COOFullscreenButton | |
COONextButton | |
COOPlayPauseButton | |
COOPreviousButton | |
COOVideoGravityButton | |
COOVolumeButton | |
►CUILabel | |
COOClosedCaptionsLabel | A text label which may have the uniform edge style |
►CUITableViewController | |
COOClosedCaptionsSelectorViewController | A UI selector that can be used to select closed captions language This is part of the Old UI functionality |
►CUIToolbar | |
COOTransparentToolbar | A transparent toolbar that can be used to overlay over other views |
►CUIView | |
COOBufferView | A wrappper of the Progress Slider that allows a view for the buffering duration to appear |
COOClosedCaptionsView | A View which displasy caption text |
COOCuePointsView | A view that renders the cue points of advertisements within a certain frame |
COOFCCTVRatingStampView | |
COOFCCTVRatingVideoView | |
►CUIViewController | |
COOClosedCaptionsSelectorBackgroundViewController | A View controller that is used to display the background of the CC Selector This is part of the Old UI functionality |
COOControlsViewController | OOControlsViewController |
COOOoyalaPlayerViewController | Main ViewController class for Ooyala player |
COOOoyalaSimpleTVPlayerViewController | Main ViewController class for Ooyala player |