The primary class for the Skin UI Use it to display the Ooyala Skin UI alongside the OOOoyalaPlayer.
#import <OOSkinViewController.h>
The primary class for the Skin UI Use it to display the Ooyala Skin UI alongside the OOOoyalaPlayer.
- ((unavailable("init not available") __attribute__ |
- (void) ccStyleChanged: |
(NSNotification *) |
notification |
- (void) changeFullscreenMode: |
(BOOL) |
isFullscreen |
completion: |
(nullable void(^)()) |
completion |
| |
implementation |
- (void) disableReactViewInteraction |
implementation |
- (void) enableReactViewInteraction |
implementation |
- (UIViewController *) fullscreenViewController |
implementation |
- (void) handleDiscoveryResults: |
(NSArray *) |
results |
embedCode: |
(NSString *) |
currentEmbedCode |
| |
implementation |
- (void) handleFulscreenChangedModeWithOldPlayingState: |
(BOOL) |
wasPlaying |
implementation |
- (NSString *) hexStringFromColor: |
(UIColor *) |
color |
implementation |
- (instancetype) initWithPlayer: |
(OOOoyalaPlayer *) |
player |
skinOptions: |
(OOSkinOptions *) |
jsCodeLocation |
parent: |
(UIView *) |
parentView |
launchOptions: |
(NSDictionary *) |
options |
| |
- (BOOL) isReactViewInteractionEnabled |
implementation |
- (void) maybeLoadDiscovery: |
(NSString *) |
embedCode |
implementation |
- (void) notifyFullScreenChange: |
(BOOL) |
isFullscreen |
implementation |
- (void) observeValueForKeyPath: |
(NSString *) |
keyPath |
ofObject: |
(id) |
object |
change: |
(NSDictionary *) |
change |
context: |
(void *) |
context |
| |
implementation |
- (void) onApplicationDidBecomeActive: |
(NSNotification *) |
notification |
implementation |
- (void) onReactReady: |
(NSNotification *) |
notification |
implementation |
- (void) openFullscreenMode: |
(nullable void(^)()) |
completion |
implementation |
- (void) openInlineMode: |
(nullable void(^)()) |
completion |
implementation |
- (void) orientationChanged: |
(NSNotification *) |
notification |
implementation |
- (void) playPauseFromAdTappedNotification |
implementation |
- (UIStatusBarAnimation) preferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation |
implementation |
- (BOOL) prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden |
implementation |
- (BOOL) prefersStatusBarHidden |
implementation |
- (void) queueEventWithName: |
(NSString *) |
eventName |
body: |
(id) |
body |
| |
implementation |
- (BOOL) reactViewInteractionEnabled |
implementation |
- (void) sendBridgeEventWithName: |
(NSString *) |
eventName |
body: |
(id) |
body |
| |
implementation |
- (void) setFullscreen: |
(BOOL) |
fullscreen |
implementation |
- (void) setFullscreen: |
(BOOL) |
fullscreen |
completion: |
(nullable void(^)()) |
completion |
| |
implementation |
- (void) setFullscreen: |
(BOOL) |
fullscreen |
isOrientationChanges: |
(BOOL) |
isOrientationChanges |
| |
implementation |
- (void) setFullscreen: |
(BOOL) |
fullscreen |
isOrientationChanges: |
(BOOL) |
isOrientationChanges |
completion: |
(nullable void(^)(void)) |
completion |
| |
implementation |
- (void) setReactViewInteractionEnabled: |
(BOOL) |
reactViewInteractionEnabled |
implementation |
- (UIInterfaceOrientationMask) supportedInterfaceOrientations |
implementation |
- (void) toggleFullscreen |
implementation |
- (void) toggleStereoMode |
implementation |
- (CGRect) videoViewFrame |
implementation |
- (void) viewWillTransitionToSize: |
(CGSize) |
size |
withTransitionCoordinator: |
(id<UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator>) |
coordinator |
| |
implementation |
- (void) vrPlayerDidConfiguredAction |
implementation |
- (NSString* const) OOSkinViewControllerFullscreenChangedNotification |
protected |
- (BOOL autoFullscreenWithRotatedEnabled) __TVOS_PROHIBITED |
readwritenonatomicassign |
Auto enter/exit full screen mode when device orientation changed.
Default NO.
- Warning
- Doesn't work in VR mode.
- (NSTimeInterval) delayForDeviceOrientationAnimation |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
Programatically change the fullscreen mode of the player.
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
- (UIViewController*) inlineRootViewController |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
- (UIViewController*) inlineViewController |
readwritenonatomicweakimplementation |
- (BOOL) isFullScreenPreviousState |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
- (BOOL) isManualOrientaionChange |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
readwriteatomicimplementation |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
- (UIView*) movieFullScreenView |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
- (OOReactBridge*) ooBridge |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
- (UIPanGestureRecognizer*) panGestureRecognizer |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
readwriteatomicimplementation |
- (UIInterfaceOrientation) previousInterfaceOrientation |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
- (NSMutableArray*) queuedEvents |
readwriteatomicassignimplementation |
- (RCTRootView *) reactView |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
- (UIViewController*) rootViewController |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
- (NSDictionary*) skinConfig |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
readwritenonatomicassignimplementation |
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