

constant findMimetype

Find the mime type of a given source string if possible. Uses the player source cache.

constant getMimetype

Get the mimetype of a given src url if possible

constant innerHTMLDescriptorPolyfill

our implementation of an innerHTML descriptor for browsers that do not have one.

constant srcDescriptorPolyfill

our implementation of a src descriptor for browsers that do not have one.


clamp(number, min, max) → {number}

Keep a number between a min and a max value

Name Type Description
number number

The number to clamp

min number

The minimum value

max number

The maximum value

number -

the clamped number

constructColor(color, opacity) → {string}

Construct an rgba color from a given hex color code.

Name Type Description
color number

Hex number for color, like #f0e or #f604e2.

opacity number

Value for opacity, 0.0 - 1.0.

string -

The rgba color that was created, like 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)'.

defineLazyProperty(obj, key, getValue, setter)

Object.defineProperty but "lazy", which means that the value is only set after it retrieved the first time, rather than being set right away.

Name Type Default Description
obj Object

the object to set the property on

key string

the key for the property to set

getValue function

the function used to get the value when it is needed.

setter boolean true

wether a setter shoould be allowed or not


Patches browser internal functions so that we can tell synchronously if a <source> was appended to the media element. For some reason this causes a sourceset if the the media element is ready and has no source. This happens when:

  • The page has just loaded and the media element does not have a source.
  • The media element was emptied of all sources, then load() was called.

It does this by patching the following functions/properties when they are supported:

  • append() - can be used to add a <source> element to the media element
  • appendChild() - can be used to add a <source> element to the media element
  • insertAdjacentHTML() - can be used to add a <source> element to the media element
  • innerHTML - can be used to add a <source> element to the media element
Name Type Description
tech Html5

The tech object that sourceset is being setup on.


Get a property descriptor given a list of priorities and the property to get.

isPromise(value) → {boolean}

Returns whether an object is Promise-like (i.e. has a then method).

Name Type Description
value Object

An object that may or may not be Promise-like.

boolean -

Whether or not the object is Promise-like.


setup sourceset handling on the Html5 tech. This function patches the following element properties/functions:

  • src - to determine when src is set
  • setAttribute() - to determine when src is set
  • load() - this re-triggers the source selection algorithm, and can
           cause a sourceset.

If there is no source when we are adding sourceset support or during a load() we also patch the functions listed in firstSourceWatch.

Name Type Description
tech Html5

The tech to patch


Silence a Promise-like object.

This is useful for avoiding non-harmful, but potentially confusing "uncaught play promise" rejection error messages.

Name Type Description
value Object

An object that may or may not be Promise-like.

sourcesetLoad(tech) → {boolean}

This function is used to fire a sourceset when there is something similar to mediaEl.load() being called. It will try to find the source via the src attribute and then the <source> elements. It will then fire sourceset with the source that was found or empty string if we cannot know. If it cannot find a source then sourceset will not be fired.

Name Type Description
tech Html5

The tech object that sourceset was setup on

boolean -

returns false if the sourceset was not fired and true otherwise.

Type Definitions

All keys used for operation of a menu (MenuButton, Menu, and MenuItem) Note that 'Enter' and 'Space' are not included here (otherwise they would prevent the MenuButton and MenuItem from being keyboard-clickable)