Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- d -
- dateAsStringForKey:
: GCKMediaMetadata
- dateForKey:
: GCKMediaMetadata
- dealloc
: OOCastPlayer
- defaultSessionOptionsForDeviceCategory:
: GCKSessionManager
- delegate
: GCKGenericChannel
, GCKLogger
, GCKRequest
, OOCastManager
, OOCastMiniControllerView
: GCKLogger
- deregisterMiniController:
: OOCastPlayer
- device
: GCKSession
- deviceAtIndex:
: GCKDiscoveryManager
- deviceCategory
: GCKDeviceProvider
- deviceCategoryForDeviceUniqueID:
: GCKDevice
- deviceCount
: GCKDiscoveryManager
- deviceFriendlyName
: GCKOpenURLOptions
- deviceID
: GCKDevice
, GCKMultizoneDevice
- devices
: GCKDeviceProvider
, GCKMultizoneStatus
- deviceStatusText
: GCKSession
- deviceUniqueID
: GCKOpenURLOptions
- deviceVersion
: GCKDevice
- deviceVolume
: OOCastManager
- deviceWithUniqueID:
: GCKDiscoveryManager
- didChangeWritableState:
: GCKCastChannel
- didConnect
: GCKCastChannel
, OOCastPlayer
- didDisconnect
: GCKCastChannel
, OOCastPlayer
- didInsertDevice:atIndex:
: <GCKDiscoveryManagerListener >
- didReceiveTextMessage:
: GCKCastChannel
, OOCastPlayer
- didRemoveDevice:atIndex:
: <GCKDiscoveryManagerListener >
- didRemoveDeviceAtIndex:
: <GCKDiscoveryManagerListener >
- didStartDiscoveryForDeviceCategory:
: <GCKDiscoveryManagerListener >
- didUpdateDevice:atIndex:
: <GCKDiscoveryManagerListener >
- didUpdateDevice:atIndex:andMoveToIndex:
: <GCKDiscoveryManagerListener >
- didUpdateDeviceList
: <GCKDiscoveryManagerListener >
- disableAnalyticsLogging
: GCKCastOptions
- disableDiscoveryAutostart
: GCKCastOptions
- disconnectFromOoyalaPlayer
: OOCastManager
- disconnectNotUserInitiated
: OOCastManager
, <OOCastManagerInternalProtocol >
- disconnectUserInitiated
: OOCastManager
, <OOCastManagerInternalProtocol >
- discoveryActive
: GCKDiscoveryManager
- discoveryManager
: GCKCastContext
- discoveryState
: GCKDiscoveryManager
- dismiss
: <OOCastMiniControllerProtocol >
, OOCastMiniControllerView
- dismissMiniControllers
: OOCastPlayer
- displayCastModeVideoView
: OOCastManager
- doubleForKey:
: GCKMediaMetadata
- doubleForKey:defaultValue:
: GCKMediaMetadata
- duration
: OOCastPlayer
, GCKAdBreakClipInfo
- durationFromJSON:
: OOCastReceiverResponseManager