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Data class describing the ad request. More...
#import <IMAAdsRequest.h>
Data class describing the ad request.
Initializes an ads request instance with the given canned ads response and ad display container with Picture-in-Picture support.
Serial ad requests may reuse the same IMAAdDisplayContainer by first calling [IMAAdsManager destroy] on its current adsManager. Concurrent requests must use different ad containers.
Initializes an ads request instance with the given canned ads response and ad display container.
Serial ad requests may reuse the same IMAAdDisplayContainer by first calling [IMAAdsManager destroy] on its current adsManager. Concurrent requests must use different ad containers. Does not support Picture-in-Picture.
Initializes an ads request instance with the given ad tag URL and ad display container with Picture-in-Picture support.
Initializes an ads request instance with the given ad tag URL and ad display container.
The ad display container.
Specifies a VAST, VMAP, or ad rules response to be used instead of making a request via an ad tag URL.
This can be useful for debugging and other situations in which an ad response is already available.
Specifies the full URL to use for ads loading from an ad server.
Required for any adsRequest. For details on constructing the ad tag url, see Create a master video tag manually.
Specifies whether the player intends to start the content and ad in response to a user action or whether they will be automatically played.
Changing this setting will have no impact on ad playback.
Specifies whether the player intends to start the content and ad with no volume.
Specifies the duration of the content in seconds to be shown.
Used in AdX requests. This parameter is optional.
Specifies the keywords used to describe the content to be shown.
Specifies the title of the content to be shown.
Specifies the maximum amount of time to wait in seconds, after calling requestAds, before requesting the ad tag URL.
This can be used to stagger requests during a live-stream event, in order to mitigate spikes in the number of requests.
The user context.
Specifies the VAST load timeout in milliseconds for the initial request and any subsequent wrappers.
This parameter is optional and will override the default timeout.