Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CIMAPictureInPictureProxyA proxy class for allowing the SDK to detect entering and exiting Picture-in-Picture
 CIMAPictureInPictureProxyA proxy class for allowing the SDK to detect entering and exiting Picture-in-Picture
 C<IMAAdsLoaderDelegate>Delegate object that receives state change callbacks from IMAAdsLoader
 C<IMAAdsManagerDelegate>A callback protocol for IMAAdsManager
 C<IMAContentPlayhead>Defines an interface for a class that tracks video content progress and exposes a key value observable property |currentTime|
 CIMAAVPlayerContentPlayheadAn implementation of IMAContentPlayhead for AVPlayer
 C<IMAStreamManagerDelegate>A callback protocol for IMAStreamManager
 CIMAAVPlayerVideoDisplayAn implementation of the IMAVideoDisplay protocol
 CIMASettingsThe IMASettings class stores SDK wide settings
 CIMAAdData object representing a single ad
 CIMAAdDisplayContainerThe IMAAdDisplayContainer is responsible for managing the ad container view and companion ad slots used for ad playback
 CIMAAdErrorSurfaces an error that occurred during ad loading or playing
 CIMAAdEventSimple data class used to transport ad playback information
 CIMAAdLoadingErrorDataAd error data that is returned when the ads loader fails to load the ad
 CIMAAdPodInfoSimple data object containing podding metadata
 CIMAAdsLoadedDataAd data that is returned when the ads loader loads the ad
 CIMAAdsLoaderThe IMAAdsLoader class allows the requesting of ads from the ad server
 CIMAAdsManagerThe IMAAdsManager class is responsible for playing ads
 CIMAAdsRenderingSettingsSet of properties that influence how ads are rendered
 CIMAAdsRequestData class describing the ad request
 CIMAAVPlayerContentPlayheadAn implementation of IMAContentPlayhead for AVPlayer
 CIMAAVPlayerVideoDisplayAn implementation of the IMAVideoDisplay protocol
 CIMACompanionAdSlotAd slot for companion ads
 CIMACuepointData object representation of a cuepoint for a single ad break
 CIMASettingsThe IMASettings class stores SDK wide settings
 CIMAStreamManagerThe IMAStreamManager class is responsible for playing streams
 CIMAStreamRequestData class describing the stream request
 CIMALiveStreamRequestData object describing a live stream request
 CIMAVODStreamRequestData object describing a VOD stream request
 COOIMAConfigurationUse this to provide configurations to the Ooyala IMA Integration
 C<IMAAdPlaybackInfo>Groups various properties of the ad player
 C<IMAVideoDisplay >Declares a simple video display class used for ad playback
 C<IMAAVPlayerVideoDisplayDelegate>A callback protocol for IMAAVPlayerVideoDisplayDelegate
 C<IMACompanionDelegate>Delegate to receive events from the companion ad slot
 C<IMAVideoDisplayDelegate>Delegate object that receives state change callbacks from IMAVideoDisplay
 C<IMAWebOpenerDelegate>Signals that a internal or external web browser has been opened or closed
 CIMAPictureInPictureProxyA proxy class for allowing the SDK to detect entering and exiting Picture-in-Picture
 COOIMAAdPlayMetadataUse this class to store IMA playlist ad metadata