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#import "OOIMAManager.h"
Add a compnanionSlot to AdsPlayer.
Called when ads are successfully loaded from the ad servers by the loader.
Reimplemented from <IMAAdsLoaderDelegate>.
Error reported by the ads loader when loading or requesting an ad fails.
Called when there was an error playing the ad.
Log the error and resume playing content.
Reimplemented from <IMAAdsManagerDelegate>.
Called when there is an IMAAdEvent.
Called when an ad is ready to play.
The implementing code should pause the content playback and prepare the UI for ad playback.
Called when an ad has finished or an error occurred during the playback.
The implementing code should resume the content playback.
This is called when the ad is clicked.
This is called when plugin should be destryed.
This checks if last ad of manager is a postroll If last ad position is greater than video duration, will return YES.
Initialize a OOIMAManager using the OOOoyalaPlayer.
Initialize a OOIMAManager using the OOOoyalaPlayer and an Ooyala IMA Configuration.
mark an cue point as played
Called when an icon is clicked.
This is called when control is handed over to the plugin.
This is called when content changed Setup current item and send the ads reuqest.
This is called when an error occured when playing back content.
This is called before finishing playing content so plugin can play postroll.
This is called when a cue point is reached so plugin can play midroll.
This is called before start playing content so plugin can play preroll.
This is called when playhead is updated so plugin can play midroll.
For Ad-Rules, always return false since we only play ads when IMA SDK sends notification. For Non Ad-Rules, return true when the playhead has passed an ad that should play.
Parse all_ads metadata obtained in
Parse the JSON array corresponding to the "all_ads" field in the metadata and extract this data into a Array with data about position and the ad tag URL.
Pause currently playing ad.
This is meant to be called only by the OOIMAAdPlayer.
Play, or queue up automatic playing of ads if they are still loading.
This is called ooyala UI pass down UI related events.
This is called when plugin should be reset.
This is called to reset all ads to unplayed.
This is called when plugin should be resumed.
Add tag parameters to the end of the original URL for ads request.
The parameters will be overridden by the latest call if this method get called multiple times
This is called to skip the current ad.
Does not support by Google IMA iOS-SDK
This is called when plugin should be suspended.
Configure IMA ads from given URL.
You do not need to do this if a VAST URL is properly configured in Third Party Module Metadata. It is not advised usage to manually load an IMA VAST URL while any IMA URL is configured in Third Party Module Metadata.
Map CGRect to relevant companion ad slots.
OOOoyalaPlayer to play the content.
Configure VAST load timeout in milliseconds for Google IMA AdRequests.
This parameter will override the default timeout set by Google IMA.