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The IMAAdsLoader class allows the requesting of ads from the ad server. More...
#import <IMAAdsLoader.h>
The IMAAdsLoader class allows the requesting of ads from the ad server.
Use the delegate to receive the loaded ads or loading error in case of failure.
Signal to the SDK that the content has completed.
The SDK will play post-rolls at this time, if any are scheduled.
Initializes the IMAAdsLoader with default settings.
The loader takes 1-2 seconds to setup once initialized, therefore reusing a single instance of the ads loader is encouraged to minimize ad request times.
Initializes an IMAAdsLoader with specific settings.
Request ads from the ad server.
The loader takes 1-2 seconds to setup on init and become ready to make ad requests. So reusing the same IMAAdsLoader instance is encouraged when making ad requests in order to minimize ad request times.
Request a stream with ads inserted dynamically.
Reusing the same IMAAdsLoader instance is encouraged when making stream requests in order to minimize stream request latency.
Returns the SDK version.
Delegate that receives IMAAdsLoaderDelegate callbacks.
SDK-wide settings.
Note that certain settings will only be evaluated during initialization of the adsLoader.