<IMAVideoDisplayDelegate> Protocol Reference

Delegate object that receives state change callbacks from IMAVideoDisplay. More...

#import <IMAVideoDisplay.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for <IMAVideoDisplayDelegate>:

Instance Methods

(void) - videoDisplayDidPlay:
 Informs the SDK the ad has started playback. More...
(void) - videoDisplayDidPause:
 Informs the SDK the ad has paused. More...
(void) - videoDisplayDidResume:
 Informs the SDK the ad has resumed playback. More...
(void) - videoDisplayDidStart:
 Informs the SDK the ad has started playback. More...
(void) - videoDisplayDidComplete:
 Informs the SDK the ad has completed playback. More...
(void) - videoDisplayDidClick:
 Informs the SDK the ad was clicked. More...
(void) - videoDisplay:didReceiveError:
 Informs the SDK the ad playback failed due to an error. More...
(void) - videoDisplayDidSkip:
 Informs the SDK the ad was skipped. More...
(void) - videoDisplayDidShowSkip:
 Informs the SDK the ad skip button appeared. More...
(void) - videoDisplayDidLoad:
 Informs the SDK that the ad has loaded. More...
(void) - videoDisplay:volumeChangedTo:
 Informs the SDK that the ad volume was changed. More...
(void) - videoDisplay:didProgressWithMediaTime:totalTime:
 Informs the SDK that the video ad progressed. More...
(void) - videoDisplay:didReceiveTimedMetadata:
 Informs the SDK that timed metadata was received. More...
(void) - videoDisplay:didBufferToMediaTime:
 Informs the SDK the video ad is buffered to |mediaTime| in seconds. More...
(void) - videoDisplayIsPlaybackReady:
 Informs the SDK the ad is buffered and playback is likely to keep up. More...
(void) - videoDisplayDidStartBuffering:
 Informs the SDK the ad's media buffer is empty and playback will stall. More...

Detailed Description

Delegate object that receives state change callbacks from IMAVideoDisplay.

Method Documentation

- (void) videoDisplay: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay
didBufferToMediaTime: (NSTimeInterval)  mediaTime 

Informs the SDK the video ad is buffered to |mediaTime| in seconds.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay whose buffer was updated
mediaTimethe time in seconds of ad media that has been buffered.
- (void) videoDisplay: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay
didProgressWithMediaTime: (NSTimeInterval)  mediaTime
totalTime: (NSTimeInterval)  duration 

Informs the SDK that the video ad progressed.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that progressed
mediaTimethe current time of the ad being played
durationthe total duration of the ad being played
- (void) videoDisplay: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay
didReceiveError: (NSError *)  error 

Informs the SDK the ad playback failed due to an error.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that failed to play the ad
errorthe error that caused the video display to fail to play the ad
- (void) videoDisplay: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay
didReceiveTimedMetadata: (NSDictionary< NSString *, NSString * > *)  metadata 

Informs the SDK that timed metadata was received.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that received the timed metadata event
metadatathe metadata dictionary received with the timed metadata event
- (void) videoDisplay: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay
volumeChangedTo: (NSNumber *)  volume 

Informs the SDK that the ad volume was changed.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that changed the ad volume
volumethe new volume of the ad being played
- (void) videoDisplayDidClick: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK the ad was clicked.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that received the ad click
- (void) videoDisplayDidComplete: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK the ad has completed playback.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that completed ad playback
- (void) videoDisplayDidLoad: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK that the ad has loaded.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that loaded the ad
- (void) videoDisplayDidPause: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK the ad has paused.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that paused ad playback
- (void) videoDisplayDidPlay: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK the ad has started playback.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that started ad playback
- (void) videoDisplayDidResume: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK the ad has resumed playback.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that resumed ad playback
- (void) videoDisplayDidShowSkip: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK the ad skip button appeared.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that showed the skip button
- (void) videoDisplayDidSkip: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK the ad was skipped.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that skipped the ad
- (void) videoDisplayDidStart: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK the ad has started playback.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that started ad playback
- (void) videoDisplayDidStartBuffering: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK the ad's media buffer is empty and playback will stall.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that started buffering
- (void) videoDisplayIsPlaybackReady: (id< IMAVideoDisplay >)  videoDisplay

Informs the SDK the ad is buffered and playback is likely to keep up.

videoDisplaythe IMAVideoDisplay that is playback ready

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