<IMAStreamManagerDelegate> Protocol Reference

A callback protocol for IMAStreamManager. More...

#import <IMAStreamManager.h>

Instance Methods

(void) - streamManager:didReceiveAdEvent:
 Called when there is an IMAAdEvent. More...
(void) - streamManager:didReceiveAdError:
 Called when there is an IMAAdEvent. More...
(void) - streamManager:adDidProgressToTime:adDuration:adPosition:totalAds:adBreakDuration:
 Called when the ad is playing to give updates about ad progress. More...

Detailed Description

A callback protocol for IMAStreamManager.

Method Documentation

- (void) streamManager: (IMAStreamManager *)  streamManager
adDidProgressToTime: (NSTimeInterval)  time
adDuration: (NSTimeInterval)  adDuration
adPosition: (NSInteger)  adPosition
totalAds: (NSInteger)  totalAds
adBreakDuration: (NSTimeInterval)  adBreakDuration 

Called when the ad is playing to give updates about ad progress.

streamManagerthe IMAStreamManager tracking ad playback
timethe current ad playback time in seconds
adDurationthe total duration of the current ad in seconds
adPositionthe ad position of the current ad in the current ad break
totalAdsthe total number of ads in the current ad break
adBreakDurationthe total duration of the current ad break in seconds
- (void) streamManager: (IMAStreamManager *)  streamManager
didReceiveAdError: (IMAAdError *)  error 

Called when there is an IMAAdEvent.

streamManagerthe IMAStreamManager receiving the error
errorthe IMAAdError received
- (void) streamManager: (IMAStreamManager *)  streamManager
didReceiveAdEvent: (IMAAdEvent *)  event 

Called when there is an IMAAdEvent.

streamManagerthe IMAStreamManager receiving the event
eventthe IMAAdEvent received

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