Class: AdManagerControllerPlatform


Exposes information about the device platform as defined by the Ooyala player.


Initialize an instance of the current class using the new keyword along with this constructor.
Name Type Description
platform string The device platform.
os string The device operating system.
isIos boolean true if the OS is iOS, false otherwise.
iosMajorVersion string The iOS version if applicable.
isAndroid4Plus boolean true if the OS is Android 4.0 or above, false otherwise.
isAndroid4_4Plus boolean true if the OS is Android > 4.3, false otherwise.
isFirefox boolean true if the browser is Firefox, false otherwise.
isChrome boolean true if the browser is Chrome, false otherwise.
chromeMajorVersion string The browser version if the browser is Chrome
isIE boolean true if the browser is Internet Explorer, false otherwise.
isIE11Plus boolean true if the browser version is IE 11.0 or above
isMacOs boolean true if the OS is desktop Mac OS, false otherwise.
isMacOsLionOrLater boolean true if the OS version is Mac OS Lion or later, false otherwise.
isKindleHD boolean true if the device is Kindle HD, false otherwise.
isSSL boolean true if SSL is being used, false otherwise.
device string Device information
isIphone boolean true if the device is an iPhone, false otherwise.
isIpad boolean true if the device is an iPad, false otherwise.
isAndroid boolean true if the OS is Android OS, false otherwise.
isRimDevice boolean true if the device is Rim device, false otherwise.
isWinPhone boolean true if the device is a Windows Phone, false otherwise.
isSmartTV boolean true if the device is a SmartTV, false otherwise.
DEV boolean true if running in debug mode, false otherwise.