Class: AdManagerControllerUi


Handles the display of video ads, ad marquee, and controls. Exposes information about the UI as defined by the Ooyala player. All elements are jQuery elements. To access the DOM element, append [0]. These values are only ready once {adManager}.registerUi is called.

AdManagerControllerUi(messageBus, settings, registeredAdManagers)

Initialize an instance of the current class using the new keyword along with this constructor.
Name Type Description
messageBus object The player message bus
settings object Ad playback settings (e.g. showAdMarquee)
registeredAdManagers object A reference to the registered ad managers
Name Type Description
useSingleVideoElement boolean true if a single video element is used for both the ad and the content video, false otherwise.
rootElement object The root html element of the Ooyala player.
videoWrapper object The parent element to the content video element.
playerSkinVideoWrapper object The skin-integrated parent element to the content video element. Currently the same as videoWrapper.
ooyalaVideoElement object The content video element.
adVideoElement object The ad video element. Sometimes this is the same as the content video element.
adWrapper object The parent element for plugin elements.
pluginsElement object The element to house ad video and ad UI
playerSkinPluginsElement object The skin-integrated element to house ad video and ad UI
height number The player height.
width number The player width.
uiParameters object Contains parameters (videoWrapperClass and pluginsClass) required to setup the UI