Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- d -
- dataFromFile:
: OOIQAnalyticsPlugin
, OOOoyalaPlayer
- dealloc
: CountdownView
, OOReactSkinModel
, OOSkinPlayerObserver
, OOSkinViewController
, OOUpNextManager
- decodedURL
: OOStream
- defaultAudioTrack
: <OOAudioTrackSelectionProtocol >
, <OOMultiAudioProtocol >
- defaultLanguage
: OOClosedCaptions
- defaultLanguageCode
: OOVideo
- defaultPlayerInfo
: OOStreamPlayer
- delayForDeviceOrientationAnimation
: OOSkinViewController
- delegate
: OOAdSpotPlugin
, OOAssetLoaderDelegate
, OOAudioSession
, OOControlsViewController
, OOReactSkinBridge
- deleteAsset
: OODtoAsset
- deliveryType
: OOStream
- deprioritize
: OOAudioSession
- deregisterPlugin:
: <OOAdPluginManagerProtocol>
- desiredState
: OOOoyalaPlayer
- destroy
: <OOLifeCycle>
, OOOoyalaPlayer
- device
: <OOPlayerInfo >
, OOUserInfo
- deviceBrand
: OODeviceInfo
- deviceInfo
: OOIQConfiguration
- deviceType
: OODeviceInfo
- deviceVolume
: OOAudioSession
, <OOCastManagerProtocol >
- dictionaryFromJson:
: NSDictionary(Utils)
- dictionaryFromSkinConfigFile:mergedWith:
: NSDictionary(Utils)
- didInitializeModuleNotification:
: OOReactSkinBridge
- disableBuiltInAdLearnMoreButton:
: OOSkinViewController
- disablePlaylistClosedCaptions
: OOOoyalaPlayer
, OOOoyalaPlayer(ClosedCaptions)
, <OOPlayerProtocol>
, OOStreamPlayer
- disableReactViewInteraction
: OOSkinViewController
, OOSkinViewController(Internal)
- disableSession
: OOAudioSession
- disableVASTOoyalaAds
: OOOptions
- discoveryOptions
: OOSkinOptions
- dismiss
: OOClosedCaptionsSelectorViewController
- dismissPresentedViewControllersWithCompletionBlock:
: PresentedViewControllerHelper
- dismissViewControllerAndStoreIt:withCompletionBlock:
: PresentedViewControllerHelper
- displayType
: OOClosedCaptionsStyle
- dma
: OOUserInfo
- domain
: OOOoyalaAPIClient
, OOAssetDownloadOptions
, OOIQConfiguration
, OOUserInfo
- domainWithString:
: OOPlayerDomain
- doneButton
: OOFullScreenControlsTopBar
- doneButtonDidSelect:
: <OOControlsDelegate >
- doSafeGStateBlock:
: OOUIUtils
- downloadWithProgressClosure:
: OODtoAsset
- drawLiveIndicator
: OOProgressSliderView
- drmType
: OOStream
- duration
: OOChannel
, OOChannelSet
, OOContentItem
, OODynamicChannel
, OOOoyalaPlayer
, OOOoyalaPlayer(Playback)
, <OOPlayerProtocol>
, <OOCuePointViewDurationDataSource>
, OOProgressSliderView
, OOVASTLinearAd
, OOVideo
- durationSeconds
: OOFCCTVRatingConfiguration
- dynamicFilters
: OOOptions