Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- p -
- panGestureRecognizer
: OOSkinViewController
- parameters
: OOVASTCompanion
, OOVASTLinearAd
, OOVASTNonLinear
- parent
: OOChannel
, OOVideo
- parentElement
: _OOTBXMLElement
- parentView
: FullscreenStateController
, OOSkinViewController
- parse:adSpots:duration:
- parseTrackingEventsWithElement:dict:
- pause
: OOOoyalaPlayer
, OOOoyalaPlayer(Playback)
, <OOPlayerProtocol>
- pauseDownload
: OODtoAsset
- pauseImage
: OOImages
- pauseImage:
: OOImages
- pcode
: OOOoyalaAPIClient
, OOAssetDownloadOptions
, OOOoyalaPlayer
- pipActivated
: OOOoyalaPlayer(Playback)
, OOOoyalaPlayer
, OOStreamPlayer
- pipButton
: OOFullScreenControlsBottomBarMainControlsView
, OOFullScreenControlsBottomBarVolumeView
, OOInlineControlsBottomBar
- pipButtonDidSelect:
: <OOControlsDelegate >
- pipButtonShowing
: OOFullScreenControlsBottomBarMainControlsView
, OOFullScreenControlsBottomBarVolumeView
, OOInlineControlsBottomBar
- pipDelegate
: OOOptions
- play
: OOOoyalaPlayer
, OOOoyalaPlayer(Playback)
, <OOPlayerProtocol>
- playAd:
: <OOAdSpotPluginDelegate>
- playAdsBeforeTime
: OOAdSpotPlugin
- playbackRate
: OOOoyalaPlayer
- playbackSpeedEnabled
: <OOPlaybackSpeedProtocol >
- playCompletedNotification:
: OOUpNextManager
- player
: <OOAdPlugin>
, OOControlsViewController
, OOFCCTVRatingStampView
, OOOoyalaPlayerViewController
, OOOoyalaSimpleTVPlayerViewController
, OOReactSkinModel
, OOSkinPlayerObserver
, OOSkinViewController
, OOUpNextManager
- playerDesiredStateToString:
: OOOoyalaPlayerStateConverter
- playerError
: OOPlayer
- PlayerErrorNotification
: OOPlayer
- playerID
: OOIQConfiguration
- playerInfo
: OOStreamPlayer
, OOOptions
- playerObserver
: OOReactSkinModel
, OOSkinViewController
- playerSessionId
: OOOoyalaPlayer
- playerStateToString:
: OOOoyalaPlayerStateConverter
- playerVolume
: OOAudioSession
- playhead
: OOCastModeOptions
- playheadTime
: OOOoyalaPlayer
, OOOoyalaPlayer(Playback)
, <OOPlayerProtocol>
, OOPlayer
- playImage
: OOImages
- playImage:
: OOImages
- playingStatus
: OOFullScreenControlsBottomBarMainControlsView
- playPauseButton
: OOFullScreenControlsBottomBarMainControlsView
, OOInlineControlsBottomBar
- playPauseButtonDidSelected:
: <OOControlsDelegate >
- playPauseFromAdTappedNotification
: OOReactSkinModel
, OOSkinViewController
, OOSkinViewController(Internal)
- playWithInitialTime:
: OOOoyalaPlayer
, OOOoyalaPlayer(Playback)
- pointInside:
: OOFCCTVRatingStampView
- position
: OOFCCTVRatingConfiguration
- preferredLanguageId
: OOLocaleHelper
- preferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation
: OOSkinFullScreenViewController
, OOSkinViewController
- prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden
: OOSkinFullScreenViewController
, OOSkinViewController
, OOFullScreenViewController
- prefersStatusBarHidden
: OOSkinFullScreenViewController
, OOSkinViewController
- preloadContent
: OOOptions
- prepareContent
: OOOoyalaPlayer
, OOOoyalaPlayer(PlaybackWorkflow)
- presentation
: OOClosedCaptionsStyle
- presentedViewController
: PresentedViewControllerHelper
- presentedViewControllerHelper
: FullscreenStateController
- presentStoredControllersWithCompletionBlock:
: PresentedViewControllerHelper
- presentViewController:onViewController:withCompletionBlock:
: PresentedViewControllerHelper
- previous
: _OOTBXMLAttributeBuffer
, _OOTBXMLElementBuffer
- previousButton
: OOFullScreenControlsBottomBarMainControlsView
- previousePauseButtonDidSelected:
: <OOControlsDelegate >
- previousImage:
: OOImages
- previousInterfaceOrientation
: OOSkinViewController
- previousSibling
: _OOTBXMLElement
- previousVideo
: OOOoyalaPlayer
, OOOoyalaPlayer(Channel)
, OOVideo
- previousVideo:
: OOChannel
, OOChannelSet
- prioritize
: OOAudioSession
- priority
: OOAdSpot
- processExitAdModes:adsPlayed:
: OOOoyalaPlayer
, OOOoyalaPlayer(Ads)
- profile
: OOStream
- program
- progressClosure
: OODtoAsset
- progressWithProgressClosure:
: OODtoAsset
- promoImageURL
: OOContentItem
- purgeEvents
: OOReactSkinEventsEmitter
, OOSkinViewController
, OOSkinViewController(Internal)