Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- main
: FullscreenStateOperation
- mainControlsView
: OOFullScreenControlsBottomBar
- maintainAspectRatio
: OOVASTNonLinear
, OOVASTStream
- managedAdsPlugin
: OOOoyalaPlayer
- markAsPlayed
- markAsPlayed:
: OOAdSpotManager
- markAsUnplayed
- matcher
: OOPerformanceEventWatchCounting
, OOPerformanceEventWatchCPUProfiling
, OOPerformanceEventWatchFileSpaceProfiling
, OOPerformanceEventWatchMemoryProfiling
- matches:
: <OOPerformanceEventMatcherProtocol >
- matchesStreams:
: <OOStreamPlayerMappingPredicate >
- maxBitrate
: <OOPlayerInfo >
- maxHeight
: <OOPlayerInfo >
- maximizeImage:
: OOImages
- maxWidth
: <OOPlayerInfo >
- maybeLoadDiscovery:
: OOReactSkinModel
, OOSkinViewController
- mediaSelection
: OODtoAsset
- mediaSelectionOption
: <OOAudioTrackProtocol >
- memoryProfilingStatistics
: OOPerformanceStatisticsSnapshot
- merge:
: OOVASTLinearAd
- mergeBytesFree:
: OOPerformanceFileSpaceProfilingStatistics
- mergeCount:
: OOPerformanceCountingStatistics
- mergeMemoryInfo:
: OOPerformanceMemoryProfilingStatistics
- mergeSample:
: OOMovingAverage
- mergeThreadInfo:
: OOPerformanceCPUProfilingStatistics
- mergeTimeInterval:
: OOPerformanceStartEndStatistics
- mergeWith:
: NSMutableDictionary(Utils)
- message
: OOOoyalaError
- messageForAuthCode:
: OOOoyalaAPIClient
- metadata
: OOContentItem
, OOModule
, OOOoyalaPlayer
- methodQueue
: OOActivityView
, OOGradientViewManager
, OOReactSkinBridgeModuleMain
- midStreamCheckInterval
: OOContentItem
- mimeType
: OOVASTResource
- minimumBitrate
: OOAssetDownloadOptions
- minSuggestedDuration
: OOVASTNonLinear
- mode
: OOProgressSliderView
- model
: OODeviceInfo
- moduleData
: OOContentItem
- moduleType
: <OOReactSkinBridgeModule >
, OOReactSkinBridgeModuleMain
- movieAttributes
: OOContentItem
- movieFullScreenView
: OOSkinViewController